Haven't updated in quite some time, so I figured I was about overdue. Things have been pretty quiet, a large part of which is because I don't really leave the house a whole lot these days. I quit drinking a few (5, I think) months ago, just because I wasn't really enjoying it anymore. That's all fine, and much cheaper, but it does mean I'm less motivated to get out with any real regularity. Since I also work from home, and live alone, I can go for some pretty long stretches without talking to anyone else. It's possibly not the healthiest way to live, but to be honest, I've really been enjoying the time to myself.
The other big thing that's going on is that I'm joining the army. Actually, it'll be the reserves, but I'm thinking that I'll volunteer for a deployment as soon as I'm done with training. I'm pretty old by enlisted man standards, and I won't be doing anything too serious, it's really just a job. It's something for the resume and a way to pay for college. The writing work hasn't been holding steady, and I got seriously fucked over by a magazine I was writing for (to the point where I've had to get a lawyer), so it's looking like it's time to diversify my skill set. But I also like the idea that I'll actually be doing something useful for society and that it's a new way to challenge myself. I'm having to get back into shape, and although it has been difficult, I've already completely lost the beer gut. Downside is that I'm laid up with shin splints at the moment, but that'll pass. Good news is, I kicked ass on the ASVAB, no dummy job for me.
I got a new suit

The other big thing that's going on is that I'm joining the army. Actually, it'll be the reserves, but I'm thinking that I'll volunteer for a deployment as soon as I'm done with training. I'm pretty old by enlisted man standards, and I won't be doing anything too serious, it's really just a job. It's something for the resume and a way to pay for college. The writing work hasn't been holding steady, and I got seriously fucked over by a magazine I was writing for (to the point where I've had to get a lawyer), so it's looking like it's time to diversify my skill set. But I also like the idea that I'll actually be doing something useful for society and that it's a new way to challenge myself. I'm having to get back into shape, and although it has been difficult, I've already completely lost the beer gut. Downside is that I'm laid up with shin splints at the moment, but that'll pass. Good news is, I kicked ass on the ASVAB, no dummy job for me.
I got a new suit