Today I quit my job and got a one-way ticket to Cleveland. I'll be getting on the plane with two suitcases, a few hundred dollars and nothing else in the world. It's not the first time I've done it, not even the first time that move involved moving to another country, but staring into the abyss like that is always a bit harrowing. I don't' exactly have a plan for once I'm in the US, beyond where I'll be sleeping for the first few weeks. I have a year (and change) of experience as a contributing editor of a car magazine that I'll be trying to use to find a job but that's as far as I've gotten, still more than I had when I moved here. Probably won't be staying in Cleveland any longer than is absolutely essential either, although it's still unclear what city would be next. I've got it narrowed down to Detroit, Austin and Nashville, all for different reasons. I guess we'll just wait and see.
Thank you, sir! 4 more days