Went all the way to Jerusalem for a tattoo today. Ok, so it's not that far, but I hadn't been to that city in a long time, and I will concede that the weather there is much nicer than in Tel Aviv. Far too many religious people though. I have quite a few tattoos, and I was hanging out with a dude who has a giant tattoo that says "skinhead" on his neck, so the two of us got plenty of dirty looks. Not that it bothers me, those people can go fuck themselves, but I can't imagine living in a place like that. Anyway, dude did a great job with my tattoo and I'm going back in a few weeks for another one, because it has been far too long since I got tattooed.

Very nice man. I gotta say that is probably the first time I have seen the word skinhead in Heeb. I dig it.