Well, shit is getting crazy in my neck of the woods. Nothing spilling over the border yet, but no end in sight yet either. A friend of mine was actually on a bus to Cairo when the rioting broke out. Luckily she hadn't crossed the border yet. Here's hoping things are resolved soon and without more bloodshed.
I've got another friend visiting from Cleveland. It's kind of strange, she's someone I used to hang out with a lot, but sort of lost contact with before I moved here. Coincidentally, she has family living right down the street from me, so I've hung out with her a bit. It's different from when my sister or GregWeed came to visit, since I've stayed in contact with them. This is someone I haven't seen in seven years, so seeing her brought back a lot of memories from back then. Not in a bad way or anything, it's just a bit of a head trip.
Work is still going well. The things I've been writing have been well received, and from what I hear the big boss has been impressed by how well things are going.
Fun drinking times lately too:

I've got another friend visiting from Cleveland. It's kind of strange, she's someone I used to hang out with a lot, but sort of lost contact with before I moved here. Coincidentally, she has family living right down the street from me, so I've hung out with her a bit. It's different from when my sister or GregWeed came to visit, since I've stayed in contact with them. This is someone I haven't seen in seven years, so seeing her brought back a lot of memories from back then. Not in a bad way or anything, it's just a bit of a head trip.
Work is still going well. The things I've been writing have been well received, and from what I hear the big boss has been impressed by how well things are going.
Fun drinking times lately too:

You are a hipster, one with shitty tattoos...
that makes two of us