Ahhh, nothing like a few hours of Cocksparrer when you have a hangover.
I've got everything sorted out for my trip to Spain. At least I think I do, all the emails about my flights are in Spanish. I had two Spanish speakers over last night and didn't ask for help, so I guess I deserve some confusion. Good time last night, music and booze at my place. I think I offened the hell out of Noahzark's girlfriend with my comments about Israelis having terrible manners, but she'll get over it. Ran into Diaz at breakfast, she was also suffering from a hangover, so I guess a good time was had all over town. Here are a few pictures from last night:
Stolley and bmendales... questionable
Do you have a throne is your house? because I do
Fishtotem is not amused (note the awesome SG Israel shirt)
now he seems a little too amused...
drunk and pantless

I've got everything sorted out for my trip to Spain. At least I think I do, all the emails about my flights are in Spanish. I had two Spanish speakers over last night and didn't ask for help, so I guess I deserve some confusion. Good time last night, music and booze at my place. I think I offened the hell out of Noahzark's girlfriend with my comments about Israelis having terrible manners, but she'll get over it. Ran into Diaz at breakfast, she was also suffering from a hangover, so I guess a good time was had all over town. Here are a few pictures from last night:
Stolley and bmendales... questionable

Do you have a throne is your house? because I do

Fishtotem is not amused (note the awesome SG Israel shirt)

now he seems a little too amused...


drunk and pantless

Man I miss that apartment.
Yep I love Used Kids!
And Cocksparrer, fuck yeh