Here's a little throw together to show you guys how I've changed over the years :)
The body positioning of the old shot (from myspace days when I used to "liquify" myself skinnier) is rather misleading, those jeans are actually a size 12 and the new shot is un-liquified and those jeans are a size 8 XD As you can see, even the size 8 is a loose fit in the waistband!
I still own the old jeans, but now when I put them on they simply fall off again, fitness is the best feeling in the world!! Been upping my exercise regime a tad recently, going from 30-40 mins of walking a day, which I've been doing for the last 3 months, to an hour of fast paced almost-jogging and every other day I quickly walk up and down 100 steps, lifting my knees and looking very silly while I do it! :3
I'm actually the smallest and most toned that I've been since I was literally 14 years old! Can't believe it took me so long to get the motivation to eat healthy and exercise regularly, but I'm so so glad I finally found it and am successfully maintaining it XD
Gotta head to work now, just wanted to chuck you lovelies a little blog post and remind you that you're all totally awesome!! ~ <3
Stay safe and have a great weekend, everyone!!