A few days ago, my brother's brother-in-law (his wife's brother, I dunno what the fuck that makes him to me) DIED ALONE in a dingy apartment, from a drug overdose. He was only in his 30's... a young, talented, handsome man. A good guitar player. It gobsmacked me, even though I barely knew him. THEY FOUND HIM BY THE SMELL. It made me think sadly of Layne Staley... and maybe me. And maybe YOU. DON'T you EVER go out like that. Do not retreat into isolation and addiction. Get help. People love you, even if you think no one does. FIGHT, goddammit.

“ Do not retreat into isolation and addiction. Get help. People love you, even if you think no one does. ” so sorry for what you are going through, this must be a hard time but thank you so much for what you write because most people tend to isolate themselves when they have issues and this really emphasizes the fact to look for help, this is so important

Thank you @melusine2908 ... I know this particular dance far too well. I watched my mother do it. I see myself starting to move my feet to this dreadful rythm. I am grieving for my brother's wife and children. I will NOT let this happen again. Not on my watch. Not to anyone I love.