my lover is the morning star, he is like the old fashioned sink in my bathroom with two faucets one hot one cold, ... i'm not sure if i trust him, but i suppose it's probably unwise to trust the devil. but, he's not as smart as he thinks he is...
More Blogs
Tuesday Jan 13, 2004
feeling much better today, despite a bit of a hangover. hung ou… -
Monday Jan 12, 2004
fuckfuckfuck...i'm so grouchy today, my head hurts and i'm having pan… -
Monday Jan 05, 2004
just woke up from a nap. it's almost midnight...i got this wierd urge… -
Monday Jan 05, 2004
ugh... soooo fucking tired today...i'm gettin' old. i can't do this p… -
Friday Jan 02, 2004
the last couple days have been complete crazy chaos...but, in the bes… -
Wednesday Dec 24, 2003
crazy vivid scotch dreams last night... not quite ready to descibe t… -
Monday Dec 22, 2003
saw return of the king sat. night on a mix of acid and klonopin... a … -
Friday Dec 19, 2003
so, last night my dearest lover and ally,one Dr. Skiffy, was going do… -
Thursday Dec 18, 2003
i had a dream the other night that spock from star trek cut off my le… -