"Deep into the Darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."
We know deep down that the world is a far more terrifying place than we allow our rational minds to acknowledge. Best to shut our eyes, pretend it's not there. If we don't see it, it might not see us. Pretending something is not there, however, does not make it go away. It only helps it to hide better, and predators like to hide from their prey, lest it be scared away. It's hard to believe in something we can't see. Maybe they want it that way.
We know deep down that the world is a far more terrifying place than we allow our rational minds to acknowledge. Best to shut our eyes, pretend it's not there. If we don't see it, it might not see us. Pretending something is not there, however, does not make it go away. It only helps it to hide better, and predators like to hide from their prey, lest it be scared away. It's hard to believe in something we can't see. Maybe they want it that way.
Continuing a different thread: it's difficult when that asshole just happens to be the one I love.