The trailer for The Good German excites me in ways I don't understand. Especially the ending. And I know the film is crap and got bad reviews and will probably dishearten me upon viewing - you know it's a bad sign when you watch only the trailer and find yourself saying 'that's not how it happened in the book...' - but it's time to admit that this is a farce. I'm just Clooney's bitch.
In other news: Jack the girl pushes into her second semester at her far-flung college on the north shore. January = financial crunch time. Why are books upwards of one hundred dollars? This should not be. It just should not be. And why do I have to pay fifteen dollars to mail off a form for a one thousand dollar scholarship? The scholarship is already mine, I won it in high school. Couldn't my principal be a pal and palm me a couple bills to help with the (very expensive) postage?
<3 red lipsticks. must wear them more often.
i am now 118 pounds, but don't look 118 pounds. i actually look more overweight than i usually do. losing muscle? piling on fat? what's the deal? i'm afraid i'm going to have to work myself down to 80 just to look at my average weight. jesus loves me.
growing out of t-shirts.
want pretty.
tomorrow, i eat bad breakfast, wear sunglasses and lipstick in the snow, and listen to "the waitresses" on repeat.
do other cool shit like that.
In other news: Jack the girl pushes into her second semester at her far-flung college on the north shore. January = financial crunch time. Why are books upwards of one hundred dollars? This should not be. It just should not be. And why do I have to pay fifteen dollars to mail off a form for a one thousand dollar scholarship? The scholarship is already mine, I won it in high school. Couldn't my principal be a pal and palm me a couple bills to help with the (very expensive) postage?
<3 red lipsticks. must wear them more often.
i am now 118 pounds, but don't look 118 pounds. i actually look more overweight than i usually do. losing muscle? piling on fat? what's the deal? i'm afraid i'm going to have to work myself down to 80 just to look at my average weight. jesus loves me.
growing out of t-shirts.
want pretty.
tomorrow, i eat bad breakfast, wear sunglasses and lipstick in the snow, and listen to "the waitresses" on repeat.
do other cool shit like that.

Yup. I went to film school at Cap...
Some of my family lives here too.
Whoever told you negative things, was telling you the truth.
They teach you about things, but nothing really about applying them. They offer no help towards any practical experience, and some actually don't know what they are talking about, and are really apaththetic about everything. It's just generally not a good program.
There are only 2 teachers there, i think are actually good at teaching.
Well, when i was there at least.
So i ditched to Toronto. But now i'm back. for the time being at least.