1. Sniff.
2. Sniff.
3. Sniiiiiiiiiiff.
4. Sniff.
5. Snaaaaaarf.
6. *grabs nearest paper like substance. (kleenex, toilet paper, dish towel, sock, bedsheet, cat, cardoor), wads into lump*
8. Sniff.

Goddamn, do I hate head colds. This process has been my life for the last few days. Urg.

And to help matters in their sucking, still no word from the job. Grrrr...
feel better feel better feel better!

or else wink

i'm not quite sure or else what....but or else wink
newbies generally are people who have joined in the last few months, not 2002.

nope, you fall into the 'interesting cute boy' catagory.
I felt as though I did a lot yesterday, but not anything too earth-shattering...

I rearranged my office/going-to-be bedroom, and all I need now is a bed to put in it. I like how I've set up my desk, so, now it's just a matter of moving out of the little monk's quarters where I've been sleeping lately, and arrange things nicely in here. That...
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Well, a question has been directed my way, and I suppose I should offer explanation. My stats on the boards here, which currently show me at about 40 posts, I believe, would more than likely put me into either the often scorned, sometimes pitied 'noob' category, whilst my 'member since' stat indicates that I have been a part of the site since June of '02,...
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it sounds more like you're darth vader...
are you? are you?
Whats the best way to reduce something that has been blown waaaaay out of proportion? Make fun of it? Produce a little self-deprecating humor, and make yourself the butt of the joke, in order to disarm the whole situation? What happens if you fly off the handle and then realize that you in fact, were the one who is wrong? Then what?

Or what if...
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Good journal entry. Question for you, datewise you are an old school member, but don't have many posts? Explain? smile
I enjoy the way you write, sir.
I've been to this point, and will probably revisit soon enough. I'm trying not to adopt the whole "friends are overrated" attitude, although it can help out at times.
Look at yr friends. See if they overreact to their other friends or other situations not dealing with you.
That way, maybe you'll be able to see if its them or you.

If it seems like yr losing friends due to reasons beyond yr control, it may be for the best. This happened to me not so long ago. I said to myself "F this S". Now I'm realizing that they needed to be purged from my every day life. It was all for the better.

This probably didn't help at all. Its approx 3am EST and i'm talking out of my arse.
I hope everything works out for the best (and give it some time - sometimes it takes a bit to realize that things like this are for the best)
Still practicing the typing thing, but as it is, I just cant stand to do any real writing in the real typing mode, as it just feels too slow. Perhaps just a few more days of practice, and Ill be fast enough with my fingers to keep up with my brain.

So, its back to the index finger shuffle for now.

So whats on my...
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Is it just my vision blurring, and my mind slipping, or do the comments on my journal seem to be repeating themselves? Is it something I did? Do I appear to be so slow on the uptake that everyone is finding that they need to repeat themselves? Am I a technical anomaly?

Answer me SG Gods! I demand an explanation!
Repeating themselves? What makes you think that?

Repeating themselves? What makes you think that?

biggrin biggrin biggrin

Actually, I think what happens is that people get confused and hit the Back button when they shouldn't, thereby invoking the dreaded Double Post. It took me a while to learn not to do that. They'll figure it out eventually.... smile
New and interesting people posting comments on my journal! Should I be flattered by the attention? Or should I write it off to random journal-cruising traffic? Either way, it's nice to think that there are actually people reading these strange words that I write...

I was coming home from the bar tonight (The Bar, Mad Mex, the former place of employment, "The Mex", the old digs... why do I still go there? A feeling of camaraderie, a hope that I will know some faces there... I can't be that desperate for aquaintences, can I?) and there was a spider in the weather-seal of my driver's side window. It was just crawling along, as happy as a clam. Then I moved around a bit, adjusting the seat-belt, turning on the music, and I got caught up in a spider web that had been strung across the inside of my car. The inside! How did that get in there?!?

The only other thing I can think to ramble drunkenly about is the recent email-forward stupidity that has gone on between my sort-of-friend Mike and I. My buddy Ross, ever the gullible one, sent out one of those mass email chain letter type things warning everyone about some program or another on your computer that you 'MUST DELETE NOW, IT IS A MALEVOLENT VIRUS!", or words to that effect, to which I made a rather half-assed reply, which satirized his gullibilty and made fun of the whole 'email-virus-scare-delete-some-random-thing' hoax.

Right. So I sent that out to my list of email victims, and received a number of rather funny replies.

Then, amidst the other amusing replies, my sort-of-friend Mike sends along an email which is, essentially, the exact thing that I sent out, but the joking parts are re-written, un-funnied, and filled with the glaring spelling errors that are his trademark.

My reply to the same list of recipients was perhaps a bit too scathing, but I felt as though he had just taken my attempt at humor, dumb as it may have been, and sucked all the remaining humor and originality out of it, and passed it off as his own, or worse, passed it of as <i>mine</i>, and made <i>me</i> look like the unfunny lamer who can't spell.

Maybe I'm just being touchy and churlish and I'm way out of line.

You be the judge. I'll post the whole transaction on my journal page, which is listed to the left.

[Edited on Sep 09, 2003]

A List of Things.

1. Currently attempting to type for real, it is painfully slow.

2. Have given up the typing for real, and am reverting back to my willy-nilly, three-fingered jitterbug as I stare at the keys and dont give a shit what turns up on the screen.

3. Sister is upstairs uploading who-knows-what to whats-his-names computer, presumably, in Seattle. Music, I guess. Why?...
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I know that same distant feeling, its all too familiar. It leaves you numb, and craving for emotion. Well atleast for me. That feeling has passed though or maybe its just sitting there faint in the background, while I consume myself with chaotic thoughts to keep me sane. As you can see I like rambling too. Hope you get that job!
I know that same distant feeling, its all too familiar. It leaves you numb, and craving for emotion. Well atleast for me. That feeling has passed though or maybe its just sitting there faint in the background, while I consume myself with chaotic thoughts to keep me sane. As you can see I like rambling too. Hope you get that job!
Notes for a sketch on Chicago: Summer, 2003

(Excerpt from a longer entry at my blog page: here.)

Hot, stuffy, sweltering heat. The Dog Days of August, if I ever have seen them. Heat like a wet fiber-glass blanket laid over you in the middle of a massive black asphalt parking lot, sticky wet air with hints of storms that may come, but not...
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just stumbled upon your weeks old entrry and i must say, you certainly have a way with the english language...kudos!
just stumbled upon your weeks old entrry and i must say, you certainly have a way with the english language...kudos!
I am in Chicago. It's been interesting so far, but I'm feeling like I don't really know anyone here anymore. It seems I may just end up researching and writing for the next week. So be it.
Oh. Here it is. I was wondering where the hell the journal update field was...

Sometimes I amaze myself with my density. Or is it my Denseness? My high degree of dense-itude? Hmmm...

It occurs to me that I could potentially try to update this jounal page, as well as my diaryland one, and easily manage to completely fail to make any regular entries, therefore,...
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Kira keeps buggin me to update my journal on here. So here I am updating my journal. I heard that she will be a suicide girl herself in the near future, so bully for you chica. I'm in the process of attempting to convince a friend of mine to do the same. I think she'd fit in nicely with this type of online-crowd.

Well, I'm...
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Now I can't figure out how to make a new journal entry...stupid technology...