I just had my wisdom teeth out!
Three of them... Two hadn't grown in yet, and were coming in the wrong way, so they had to be surgically dug out and removed. That was on Thursday, of which i remember a whole three hours of the entire day I was so drugged up and slept so much.. Friday I went about my regular business, feeling pretty great! Yesterday was the same, but today's much worse. You see, my cheeks have swollen up with fluid like a chipmunk and I look ridiculos! It hurts too, because of all the pressure.
I can't take time off work though, i need the money. I dream of having a few new lenses, and the 70-200mm 2.8f for my Nikon's going to set me back about $2000...and i want a really wide 10.5mm too... so really, how can i take even a day off when I have so much to save up for? So i went to work, and my boss was very kind and didn't make me give to many tours and let me fix broken things around the shop because I'm pretty handy like that.
On the way home however I got really, really ill... When i opened the car door I just spilled out onto the grass and laid there unable to stand up for fear of throwing up or fainting. I think it's a reaction to the penicillian that I'm on, normally I get a little car sick but this was just silly! SILLY! I had to get helped up the stairs and into bed, where I was fed zoodles and green tea, ate a ginger gravol chew, and slept for a few hours. I'm feeling somewhat better, but my cheeks are getting even sillier looking and more poofy! I'M A RODENT! A CHIPMUNK! ... I even laugh like one, so I suppose this next step in my transmortification isn't all that preposterous. In early high school we once wrote a song about being a human chipmunk, we even had guitar to it...
Oh my dad thinks I'm a chipmunk,
That my mom had an affair,
with a tiny little squirell,
That lives way out there.
They got a little jiggy,
They had a little fun,
Now I'm a human chipmunk,
But I aint the only oneeeee....
Trust me, it fits to music...horribley, with barely any rythm, but it works.
Anyways, The one and only Cherry did a wonderful job of making me feel better, she sent me a set we had done a good while back and it's all finished and ready for you tommorrow sometime! It's called "Silver Bubbles". It really reflects a more real me, which is mostly laughter and being silly, coupled with my hippy nature and ethical ponderings. I don't know how it will do, because it's all about celebration and fun and not about sexy... I'm not a sexy person, I feel silly trying to put on the sexy and come hither face. I'd rather invite you in with a smile, a joke, and in the sharing of art and photography...

So tommorrow when it hits MR, I'll post a link here. Unless I've fully turned into a chipmunk, in which case I probably wont be able to type because i'll don't think they're tiny hands work well on keyboards....and my cat will have eaten me. See kitty below.

Three of them... Two hadn't grown in yet, and were coming in the wrong way, so they had to be surgically dug out and removed. That was on Thursday, of which i remember a whole three hours of the entire day I was so drugged up and slept so much.. Friday I went about my regular business, feeling pretty great! Yesterday was the same, but today's much worse. You see, my cheeks have swollen up with fluid like a chipmunk and I look ridiculos! It hurts too, because of all the pressure.
I can't take time off work though, i need the money. I dream of having a few new lenses, and the 70-200mm 2.8f for my Nikon's going to set me back about $2000...and i want a really wide 10.5mm too... so really, how can i take even a day off when I have so much to save up for? So i went to work, and my boss was very kind and didn't make me give to many tours and let me fix broken things around the shop because I'm pretty handy like that.
On the way home however I got really, really ill... When i opened the car door I just spilled out onto the grass and laid there unable to stand up for fear of throwing up or fainting. I think it's a reaction to the penicillian that I'm on, normally I get a little car sick but this was just silly! SILLY! I had to get helped up the stairs and into bed, where I was fed zoodles and green tea, ate a ginger gravol chew, and slept for a few hours. I'm feeling somewhat better, but my cheeks are getting even sillier looking and more poofy! I'M A RODENT! A CHIPMUNK! ... I even laugh like one, so I suppose this next step in my transmortification isn't all that preposterous. In early high school we once wrote a song about being a human chipmunk, we even had guitar to it...
Oh my dad thinks I'm a chipmunk,
That my mom had an affair,
with a tiny little squirell,
That lives way out there.
They got a little jiggy,
They had a little fun,
Now I'm a human chipmunk,
But I aint the only oneeeee....
Trust me, it fits to music...horribley, with barely any rythm, but it works.
Anyways, The one and only Cherry did a wonderful job of making me feel better, she sent me a set we had done a good while back and it's all finished and ready for you tommorrow sometime! It's called "Silver Bubbles". It really reflects a more real me, which is mostly laughter and being silly, coupled with my hippy nature and ethical ponderings. I don't know how it will do, because it's all about celebration and fun and not about sexy... I'm not a sexy person, I feel silly trying to put on the sexy and come hither face. I'd rather invite you in with a smile, a joke, and in the sharing of art and photography...

So tommorrow when it hits MR, I'll post a link here. Unless I've fully turned into a chipmunk, in which case I probably wont be able to type because i'll don't think they're tiny hands work well on keyboards....and my cat will have eaten me. See kitty below.


thanks luv!!! yeah me too! i want to get pretty portraits done 

Now the real question is, how do you get a chipmunk, from the combination of, a squirrel and a drunk? hehe Oh such good times <3 I miss you!