I did a pro shoot last week, a fashion type of shoot. It was my first time doing this kind of shoot, and It was up to me what kinds of clothes to bring. He said bring one casual, one classy, and one 'out there' sort of outfit. Little did he know that 'out there' was -really- out there... It's the easiest for me to do, I have a ridiculos costume closet, its wild! To bad I've sold some of my costume closet, but I got to do one shoot in a dress before I packed it off and mailed it away
Good bye pretty dress! It was a BLAST doing this shoot though! The photographer was training a new assistant, and I even got to help train her a bit because of my photographic knowledge. Everytime I'm infront of a camera, I'm learning from the photographer as well as learning my modeling. It was a lot of fun, and apparently I pose very well
The photographer said he's worked with girls with leaps and bounds more experience that didn't know how to pose themselves as well. It was a fun shoot, and I have another one TONIGHT!


damn, great shots
Last one reveals you are looking to a great future