I was about to get really sad, really...really sad about my new set.
It was pointed out that it could have serious copyright infringement possibilities... I went about and looked all over the internet, but got very few results pertaining exactly to what i was doing. I'm not impersonating one of his established characters, I'm simply wearing a suit...
It turns out that Lucas filed a lawsuit againt the original molder of the storm trooper costume's for replicating and producing them. He originally won in the U.S, but chased the sculptur to England and attempted to press charges again. Instead, he was told that costume's can't be copy righted because they're articles of clothing, and you can't copyright clothing. He lost. Andrew Ainsworth hasn't paid a cent to him, and now can legally sell his storm trooper costumes world wide except in the U.S.
Just to be sure, i sent an e-mail to a copyright specialist and inquired about this perticular situation and asked it's implications. Hopefully I will get a response, and either be shattered, or happy.
In the mean time, enjoy!

So...whacha think?
It was pointed out that it could have serious copyright infringement possibilities... I went about and looked all over the internet, but got very few results pertaining exactly to what i was doing. I'm not impersonating one of his established characters, I'm simply wearing a suit...
It turns out that Lucas filed a lawsuit againt the original molder of the storm trooper costume's for replicating and producing them. He originally won in the U.S, but chased the sculptur to England and attempted to press charges again. Instead, he was told that costume's can't be copy righted because they're articles of clothing, and you can't copyright clothing. He lost. Andrew Ainsworth hasn't paid a cent to him, and now can legally sell his storm trooper costumes world wide except in the U.S.
Just to be sure, i sent an e-mail to a copyright specialist and inquired about this perticular situation and asked it's implications. Hopefully I will get a response, and either be shattered, or happy.
In the mean time, enjoy!

So...whacha think?
Heh... Bless! Was going to say something about your set and shooting, but considered it too rude 

so I hear you're a wrestler as well, tell me more my dear