I cant wait to get my photography really off the ground and rolling! It's very exciting, I'm putting together things to do in the new year... I'm thinking of offering glamour girl packages for groups of friends and advertising on the boards at the University, i think that would be a really great way to get started. I'm going to check in on it!
Life is interesting as always, I'd really like more hours at work and I'm really dissapointed with the new schedual... they gave me like jack all for hours! They hired me and said I'd get between 20-30 hours a week. With my other job, thats fine...but ten, not even close!
I went to a talk today by Andrew Weber a climatologist who worked with Al Gore on "An Inconvienient truth". It was packed, there weren't even enough chairs! We had to put more out fifteen minutes before it even started, and everyone helped put chairs away after too! It was amazing, and his talk was really imformative... it paints a bleak picture of the world if we keep going on the way we are... Consuming, producing, and throwing away... we aren't putting anything BACK that belongs there, that helps heal the earth, we're just opening big giant gashes in her...
I also participated in buy nothing day, you hear me? BUY NOTHING! I'd like to try it for a week, that would be hard.
In the mean time, i hope everyone has a lovely night but i really feel like working out right now... So i'm going to go with it!
In the mean time, here's some rejected pictures from the outtakes of my next set, in Rewvie in January sometime... I'll tell ya more about that later!

Life is interesting as always, I'd really like more hours at work and I'm really dissapointed with the new schedual... they gave me like jack all for hours! They hired me and said I'd get between 20-30 hours a week. With my other job, thats fine...but ten, not even close!
I went to a talk today by Andrew Weber a climatologist who worked with Al Gore on "An Inconvienient truth". It was packed, there weren't even enough chairs! We had to put more out fifteen minutes before it even started, and everyone helped put chairs away after too! It was amazing, and his talk was really imformative... it paints a bleak picture of the world if we keep going on the way we are... Consuming, producing, and throwing away... we aren't putting anything BACK that belongs there, that helps heal the earth, we're just opening big giant gashes in her...
I also participated in buy nothing day, you hear me? BUY NOTHING! I'd like to try it for a week, that would be hard.
In the mean time, i hope everyone has a lovely night but i really feel like working out right now... So i'm going to go with it!
In the mean time, here's some rejected pictures from the outtakes of my next set, in Rewvie in January sometime... I'll tell ya more about that later!

I'm late but I wanted to thank you for your message about our multi with Ginary. I'm glad you enjoy !