I've been bad, and have been properly chastised.
A coupla days back, I was tagged, and had not yet gotten around to it.
So now.... here it is..... *drum roll*.... lance's stupid answers to a quiz!! * ba ba, ba bah ba ba, etc. etc.*
What do you like more hugs or kisses?
They both have their place and time. i guess I hug more than kiss, and I like a good hug- none of the pat the back shit. But a kiss can blow your mind. Depends on the time and place I guess.
If you had to make a speech on national TV tonight what would you speak about?
George Bush doesn't care about something or another but only if Mike Myers could be present.
If you could have one band play a private show on your birthday, what band would it be?
The Sex Pistols, circa 1976-77. Glen Matlock's a cunt but at least he could play.
The Dead Kennedy's, 1981, would open.
Tomorrow you can have a two hour lunch with anyone in the world, who would you have lunch with?
Lunches with my wife are the best. Only if we're not stressed though.
Otherwise, Patrick O'Brian.
Whats your favorite body part?
Myself: I've always had ok legs. I try not to think about the rest.
Females: Hips, and the hollows between em and the girl bits. Bellies are real nice, and so are the dimples/small of the back. Shoulders are good. And i have always liked shapely hands and feet.
Males:Eh. Who cares.
What are you looking forward to most this year?
The opportunity to FINALLY get us out of debt. The lifting of that feeling of constant anxiety that's followed me around about 5 years now.
Do you ever fantasize about an old love?
Yeah. Rather than fantasizing sexually about them though (which I think all people do) I think about the what ifs. i was pretty much a bastard to women before Regan- not out of any malignancy, just pure obliviousness to their wants and needs. Once I started to listen a little, I figured some shit out. So I wonder sometimes what it would have been like to be like I am now (not as if I'm some sort of paragon, but whatever) then, and where would some of those relationships have gone.
What did you spend a lot of time doing as a child?
Reading, playing role playing games, hitting things with sticks. In that order.
You have been given a large sum of money to help reconstruct a struggling city, which city would you help?
I love New Orleans, but I would probably want to make my home city of louisville what i think it could be. I'd kick out all the rat bastard carpetbaggers for one, give incentives and low interest loans to locals who want to start a small business, particularly restaurants and entertainment venues, make it damn hard for chains to get in, ditch this fucking arena bullshit, create new enterprise zones, and rebuild much of the city center.
You are homeless. You can either stay at a hostel or with a rich but total stranger what do you do?
As i have never been homeless, i would think that if I were, EITHER would sound pretty damn good as opposed to the street.
Do you think androgyny is sexy?
Yeah. though I tend to feel more attracted to boyish girls than girlish boys. Tomboys are hot.
Have you ever been toe fucked?
Uh. No.
How important do you think sex appeal is in music?
What the hell kinda question is that? Of course it's important, unless you're a polka loving eunuch. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
What are you wearing right now?
A suit actually. Grey, with thin blue pinstripes, a blue checked shirt, an orange tie with blue escutcheon designs, and my awesome black half-boots.
How many times have you been turned on today?
Well, it's early yet, but i think 3-4. And I totally agree with
Where's the new Jordan, Mallory, and Charley stuff?
So- Vindice, Dorwayin, ShellyMC, and Lycoris. And JoannaDark. You're up.
Hope I'm not fired.
A coupla days back, I was tagged, and had not yet gotten around to it.
So now.... here it is..... *drum roll*.... lance's stupid answers to a quiz!! * ba ba, ba bah ba ba, etc. etc.*
What do you like more hugs or kisses?
They both have their place and time. i guess I hug more than kiss, and I like a good hug- none of the pat the back shit. But a kiss can blow your mind. Depends on the time and place I guess.
If you had to make a speech on national TV tonight what would you speak about?
George Bush doesn't care about something or another but only if Mike Myers could be present.
If you could have one band play a private show on your birthday, what band would it be?
The Sex Pistols, circa 1976-77. Glen Matlock's a cunt but at least he could play.
The Dead Kennedy's, 1981, would open.
Tomorrow you can have a two hour lunch with anyone in the world, who would you have lunch with?
Lunches with my wife are the best. Only if we're not stressed though.
Otherwise, Patrick O'Brian.
Whats your favorite body part?
Myself: I've always had ok legs. I try not to think about the rest.
Females: Hips, and the hollows between em and the girl bits. Bellies are real nice, and so are the dimples/small of the back. Shoulders are good. And i have always liked shapely hands and feet.
Males:Eh. Who cares.
What are you looking forward to most this year?
The opportunity to FINALLY get us out of debt. The lifting of that feeling of constant anxiety that's followed me around about 5 years now.
Do you ever fantasize about an old love?
Yeah. Rather than fantasizing sexually about them though (which I think all people do) I think about the what ifs. i was pretty much a bastard to women before Regan- not out of any malignancy, just pure obliviousness to their wants and needs. Once I started to listen a little, I figured some shit out. So I wonder sometimes what it would have been like to be like I am now (not as if I'm some sort of paragon, but whatever) then, and where would some of those relationships have gone.
What did you spend a lot of time doing as a child?
Reading, playing role playing games, hitting things with sticks. In that order.
You have been given a large sum of money to help reconstruct a struggling city, which city would you help?
I love New Orleans, but I would probably want to make my home city of louisville what i think it could be. I'd kick out all the rat bastard carpetbaggers for one, give incentives and low interest loans to locals who want to start a small business, particularly restaurants and entertainment venues, make it damn hard for chains to get in, ditch this fucking arena bullshit, create new enterprise zones, and rebuild much of the city center.
You are homeless. You can either stay at a hostel or with a rich but total stranger what do you do?
As i have never been homeless, i would think that if I were, EITHER would sound pretty damn good as opposed to the street.
Do you think androgyny is sexy?
Yeah. though I tend to feel more attracted to boyish girls than girlish boys. Tomboys are hot.
Have you ever been toe fucked?
Uh. No.
How important do you think sex appeal is in music?
What the hell kinda question is that? Of course it's important, unless you're a polka loving eunuch. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

What are you wearing right now?
A suit actually. Grey, with thin blue pinstripes, a blue checked shirt, an orange tie with blue escutcheon designs, and my awesome black half-boots.
How many times have you been turned on today?
Well, it's early yet, but i think 3-4. And I totally agree with
Where's the new Jordan, Mallory, and Charley stuff?
So- Vindice, Dorwayin, ShellyMC, and Lycoris. And JoannaDark. You're up.
Hope I'm not fired.

So the election. Yeah. Let's put it this way: your President called our Prime Minister Elect to congratulate him on his win. I don't recall hearing that he did the same for the previous Prime Ministers. Yuck.