Well, we had our first snowfall yesterday and last night. As always doom was predicted, yet we all managed to survive. Not as much as predicted. Which has left me feeling a little disgruntled. I was hoping to have a snow day toady, and no such luck. Just the pain in the ass of driving in the remnants, with all the idgits who don't know how to drive in it. *sigh*
Lots of work to do today though, which should keep me busy. Appointments and office work, blah blah blah. Might try and catch this thing called candlelight at Locust Grove tonight. Locvust Grove is an 18th century historic home in Louisville, and every Christmas season they do this thing. It's a nighttime tour of the house, lit only by fire and candles, and populated by people doing first person portrayals of the origianl inhabitants, in costume. We have friends in it, but never been, so might try to go. Sounds cool. And ever since my Madrigal singing days in high school, I've missed those kind of magical kick offs to the season.
What's the most magical holiday memory you have? The one where everything seemed RIGHT, and you culd feel the power of the season in the air at that moment?
Lots of work to do today though, which should keep me busy. Appointments and office work, blah blah blah. Might try and catch this thing called candlelight at Locust Grove tonight. Locvust Grove is an 18th century historic home in Louisville, and every Christmas season they do this thing. It's a nighttime tour of the house, lit only by fire and candles, and populated by people doing first person portrayals of the origianl inhabitants, in costume. We have friends in it, but never been, so might try to go. Sounds cool. And ever since my Madrigal singing days in high school, I've missed those kind of magical kick offs to the season.
What's the most magical holiday memory you have? The one where everything seemed RIGHT, and you culd feel the power of the season in the air at that moment?
Im not a professional sewer but I do like making things, unfortunately everything I make is impractical for everyday wear.
The next time you make something post a picture of it, I always enjoy seeing other peoples work.
My first ceremony was a Sweat Lodge, once I got through my first one (I'm pretty sure I passed out somewhere in the middle I knew it was for me. The other large ceremonies I've been to were Sundances. I cant really talk about what goes on at those in depth, as its not allowed but you can look up information on the net about them if youd like. The sort of selflessness that goes on during both ceremonies is what drew me to them; you have to really care about someone or something to do what they do at those ceremonies.
[Edited on Dec 14, 2005 6:29AM]
[Edited on Dec 14, 2005 6:30AM]
Best Holiday memory hmmm well I guess when I was about 7 or 8 and we were all together that evening opening presents and some christmas special playing on TV. That's the only time I really remember it really feeling like christmas.