So here are pics of our kids.
These are the boys, William on top and his brother Eddie the black one. Named for William the Conqueror and Edward the Black prince. Both pretty timid really. And terribly sweet. We found them years ago at a flea market. they had been abandoned, about 9 wks old, and half dead from malnutrition and parasites. Just look at em now!!
This is Dodie. Don't ask about the name- just kinda stuck. She's like a big muppet or something. She likes to flop around all over the place. My baby, too. She sleeps curled up at my side at night. She was dumped on us about 4 years ago. Went outside at 4 am cuz the rest of the dogs were going nuts, and there she was under my truck, waiting for me to come let her in the yard. She was a pregnant teenager. probably why she was dumped.
This is Rose, or Rosa Bean. Great dog. She is also one of my sweeties. (like they're all not)
When she is excited she looks like the dog from the movie Mask when it has the mask on. Crazy. She is also infuriating- spends most every evening scratching and barking at the door to go out, then 5 minutes later scratching at the door to let her in. Repeat endlessly.
This is Petey, who I miss terribly. He died last November, and the hole he left has yet to heal. I dream about him sometimes. We found him one ungodly rainy night 9 years ago at the laundromat, when we still lived in town. He crawled into bed with us under the covers that night, and every night thereafter. Poor guy was epileptic, had beginning congestive heart failure, and was a royal bastard to the other animals, but he had tremendous character.
Sweet Sadie. My original girl. So sweet tempered. She is our oldest survivor of the original three dogs we had. We got her from a lady who came to dog hill at the park every day like us. Her neighbour had bought Sadie as a Christmas puppy. When she wasn't house trained at 10 wks, they chained her to the back fence on a 2 ft piece of chain and left her for the next 7 months. They would merely hose her down to clean, wouldn't even take her off the chain. this lady finally just went over and said I am taking your dog. She was covered in her own filth. She has had hip problems and huge neuroses ever since. But I think she's in a pretty good place now.
Our big boy Bear, the first dog we had. We went and got him out of the newspaper the first winter we were together, nearly 12 years ago. He just died this summer, of old age. It was a real heartbreaker. We have him under a stone cairn in our field, looking out over the house. Kinda nioce to know part of him is still around. he always was the protector- part chow, part shepherd, he was terribly intelligent, with a wicked sense of humour.
Theres the canine family at any rate. Cats horses and goats will follow in the future.

These are the boys, William on top and his brother Eddie the black one. Named for William the Conqueror and Edward the Black prince. Both pretty timid really. And terribly sweet. We found them years ago at a flea market. they had been abandoned, about 9 wks old, and half dead from malnutrition and parasites. Just look at em now!!

This is Dodie. Don't ask about the name- just kinda stuck. She's like a big muppet or something. She likes to flop around all over the place. My baby, too. She sleeps curled up at my side at night. She was dumped on us about 4 years ago. Went outside at 4 am cuz the rest of the dogs were going nuts, and there she was under my truck, waiting for me to come let her in the yard. She was a pregnant teenager. probably why she was dumped.

This is Rose, or Rosa Bean. Great dog. She is also one of my sweeties. (like they're all not)
When she is excited she looks like the dog from the movie Mask when it has the mask on. Crazy. She is also infuriating- spends most every evening scratching and barking at the door to go out, then 5 minutes later scratching at the door to let her in. Repeat endlessly.

This is Petey, who I miss terribly. He died last November, and the hole he left has yet to heal. I dream about him sometimes. We found him one ungodly rainy night 9 years ago at the laundromat, when we still lived in town. He crawled into bed with us under the covers that night, and every night thereafter. Poor guy was epileptic, had beginning congestive heart failure, and was a royal bastard to the other animals, but he had tremendous character.

Sweet Sadie. My original girl. So sweet tempered. She is our oldest survivor of the original three dogs we had. We got her from a lady who came to dog hill at the park every day like us. Her neighbour had bought Sadie as a Christmas puppy. When she wasn't house trained at 10 wks, they chained her to the back fence on a 2 ft piece of chain and left her for the next 7 months. They would merely hose her down to clean, wouldn't even take her off the chain. this lady finally just went over and said I am taking your dog. She was covered in her own filth. She has had hip problems and huge neuroses ever since. But I think she's in a pretty good place now.

Our big boy Bear, the first dog we had. We went and got him out of the newspaper the first winter we were together, nearly 12 years ago. He just died this summer, of old age. It was a real heartbreaker. We have him under a stone cairn in our field, looking out over the house. Kinda nioce to know part of him is still around. he always was the protector- part chow, part shepherd, he was terribly intelligent, with a wicked sense of humour.
Theres the canine family at any rate. Cats horses and goats will follow in the future.
Thank you
Was about six inches in length.
He has a pic up in one his folders after he cut it off.
The beard jewelry sounds cool though.
hope you guys are doing well!