So we went to see the new HP a couple of days ago. despite the absolute throng of people in the theatre, we really enjoyed it. It's a god movie- true enough to the book ( as they have all been) to not be objectionable, good enough in their own right to stand among the best of any years movie offerings. The kids in the movie apear to be really building a camaraderie which shows on camera. Good movie, well done, with a great story. And it's a lot scarier than the others.
Wait till you see the graveyard scene!!
As usual I'm having a hard time getting motivated today. You'd think after 35 years of fighting the same bad habits, they'd get less habitual. Maybe if i did less indulging of my bad habits, and more fighting.
We are going to a snazzy dinner tonight at Saffron's. Persian food at its finest. A multicourse meal with wines for each course, followed by entertainment from the owner's daughter, is this 16 year old prodigy/wunderkind. She has sung for the Pres, and is living in LA with mom pursuing her carreer while dad stays at home with the restaurant. Tough life, with a split family like that. Madjid, her dad, misses her terribly. The dedication to her career is pretty amazing.
When we come home I will update with a description of the meal. Just to make Lycoris hungry again.
I will leave you with a short list of my ten favorite books of all time, in no particular order. If you have read any of them (which I know you have!!) give me a shout out, mini reviews, etc.
1. LOTR trilogy. first began reading them around age 8-9
2. Harry Potter series. Well, duh.
3. Patrick O' Brian's Aubrey/Maturin series, with particular attention to bk 1, master and Commander, bk 3 , HMS Surprise, bk 6 The Fortune of War, and bk 11 The Reverse of the Medal. These booksare the model for the movie Master and Commander
4. Patrick Cornwell's Sharpe series, with particular attention to bk 2 Sharpes Eagle and bk 8 Sharpes Regiment.
5. Dumas' The Three Musketeers. Probably read it around 15 times in my life, the first when i was around 7.
6. Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. A modern classic. Combines the best elements of history, fiction, fantasy, and Romance. (not the genre)
7. Love and Rockets, particularly Jaime Hernandez's work. Just awesome. When i read them I feel i live in that world.
8. David hackett Fisher's "Albions Seed: Four British folkways in America". terrific book about the origins of some of America's cultural ways.
9. Robert Anton Wilson's Illuminatus! Trilogy. Intelligent and whimsical.
10. Douglas Adam's Hitchiker's Guide TRILOGY. Shoulda stopped with three.
11. Lloyd Alexander's Prydain series. Based on Welsh legend, another childhood faorite that i continue to read, and must have read 10 times in my life.
And yeah. This list goes up to eleven.
Wait till you see the graveyard scene!!
As usual I'm having a hard time getting motivated today. You'd think after 35 years of fighting the same bad habits, they'd get less habitual. Maybe if i did less indulging of my bad habits, and more fighting.
We are going to a snazzy dinner tonight at Saffron's. Persian food at its finest. A multicourse meal with wines for each course, followed by entertainment from the owner's daughter, is this 16 year old prodigy/wunderkind. She has sung for the Pres, and is living in LA with mom pursuing her carreer while dad stays at home with the restaurant. Tough life, with a split family like that. Madjid, her dad, misses her terribly. The dedication to her career is pretty amazing.
When we come home I will update with a description of the meal. Just to make Lycoris hungry again.
I will leave you with a short list of my ten favorite books of all time, in no particular order. If you have read any of them (which I know you have!!) give me a shout out, mini reviews, etc.
1. LOTR trilogy. first began reading them around age 8-9
2. Harry Potter series. Well, duh.
3. Patrick O' Brian's Aubrey/Maturin series, with particular attention to bk 1, master and Commander, bk 3 , HMS Surprise, bk 6 The Fortune of War, and bk 11 The Reverse of the Medal. These booksare the model for the movie Master and Commander
4. Patrick Cornwell's Sharpe series, with particular attention to bk 2 Sharpes Eagle and bk 8 Sharpes Regiment.
5. Dumas' The Three Musketeers. Probably read it around 15 times in my life, the first when i was around 7.
6. Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. A modern classic. Combines the best elements of history, fiction, fantasy, and Romance. (not the genre)
7. Love and Rockets, particularly Jaime Hernandez's work. Just awesome. When i read them I feel i live in that world.
8. David hackett Fisher's "Albions Seed: Four British folkways in America". terrific book about the origins of some of America's cultural ways.
9. Robert Anton Wilson's Illuminatus! Trilogy. Intelligent and whimsical.
10. Douglas Adam's Hitchiker's Guide TRILOGY. Shoulda stopped with three.
11. Lloyd Alexander's Prydain series. Based on Welsh legend, another childhood faorite that i continue to read, and must have read 10 times in my life.
And yeah. This list goes up to eleven.
I've read LotR, HP and tHHGttG from your list. Re-starting HP now because the movie re-ignighted my obsession.