Well, the birthday went well. Despite being slightly sick (held at bay thanks to Excedrin), I had a great time. Regan got me a new car stereo- yippy!
The old one was such a piece of crap i had actually taken to reading while I drive to keep myself from dying of boredom in the car. Pretty ironic, eh? Moronic maybe.
So anyway, cool new stereeo for the car, it was a piece of cake to install, and jammin to tunes in the car all afternoon.
then we wnt to the cocktail party hosted by regans bosses for KFTC (Kentuckians For The Commonwealth- really cool org, more later). That was fun and they have a gorgeous place- 200 some odd acres, lovely old farmhouse, newly built $250k guesthouse using recycled wood from an old barn, andwe had good fod and wine.
Afterwords, we were going to have dinner with a couple of friends at the Rover. When we got to the restaurant, lo and behold!! Regan had done it again and thrown together a surprise party!!
Lots of friends, PINTS!!, excellent food, darts, etc. Really cool time.
Yesterday I was sick all day, with a fever. Uckk. And we woke up, and puttered around the house a bit, when Regan said "Shit!!" and we realized she was due at a shower in Cincinnati in an hour and a half. She took the fastest shower ever and ra out the dor and didn't return until 7:00. That sucked.
But today we are taking a sick day together. Yea!!
I am cooking a wonderful Provencal chicken stew for dinner, played on the computer, Regan is making jewelry, I've done some work, and we've watched "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" and now "Flatliners". Lots o fun!!
The old one was such a piece of crap i had actually taken to reading while I drive to keep myself from dying of boredom in the car. Pretty ironic, eh? Moronic maybe.
So anyway, cool new stereeo for the car, it was a piece of cake to install, and jammin to tunes in the car all afternoon.
then we wnt to the cocktail party hosted by regans bosses for KFTC (Kentuckians For The Commonwealth- really cool org, more later). That was fun and they have a gorgeous place- 200 some odd acres, lovely old farmhouse, newly built $250k guesthouse using recycled wood from an old barn, andwe had good fod and wine.
Afterwords, we were going to have dinner with a couple of friends at the Rover. When we got to the restaurant, lo and behold!! Regan had done it again and thrown together a surprise party!!
Lots of friends, PINTS!!, excellent food, darts, etc. Really cool time.
Yesterday I was sick all day, with a fever. Uckk. And we woke up, and puttered around the house a bit, when Regan said "Shit!!" and we realized she was due at a shower in Cincinnati in an hour and a half. She took the fastest shower ever and ra out the dor and didn't return until 7:00. That sucked.
But today we are taking a sick day together. Yea!!
I am cooking a wonderful Provencal chicken stew for dinner, played on the computer, Regan is making jewelry, I've done some work, and we've watched "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" and now "Flatliners". Lots o fun!!
I work the front desk at a veterinary clinic.
So yes it's a health field for non humans
The patients are much cuter.
Hope you and your wife are feeling better.
I had a little relapse today, and i have a feeling its going to take another week for this to get out of my system