My birthday today. I am a big 35- feels a little strange. I'm not feeling all that well for one- feels like a flu or some such, and we are not really doing anything special. But it still feels like a big one. kind of the point where I am not "young anymore" - not old, but no longer young. "Mature" i guess would be the term.
We are going to a cocktail party hosted by Regan's boss this afternoon- it is a fundraiser for Kentuckians For The Commonwealth. They are anti- mountain top removal and things like that. Sounds like a good org, but we kinda have to go because she helped plan the thing. Then we are going to dinner with a couple of friends. All in all a nice evening, but hardly a rip roarin celebration of the next year.
Today is also Guy Fawkes Day, the day in England commemorating the foiling of the Gunpowder Plot to blow up Parliament with te King in it. 400 years ago today. I always thought that was cool, my birthday being on Guy Fawkes.
I had a lovely afternoon a couple of days ago- I spent an hour under a huge maple tree, its foliage turning orange and red, as the sun went down. The light was incredible, and I was in this little park area behind my office that I had never paid much attention to. It's amazing, particularly with the change of the seasons. It was just what I needed- I read my book and let the breeze just wash over me.
Happy Guy Fawkes!! Have fun burning an effigy!!
We are going to a cocktail party hosted by Regan's boss this afternoon- it is a fundraiser for Kentuckians For The Commonwealth. They are anti- mountain top removal and things like that. Sounds like a good org, but we kinda have to go because she helped plan the thing. Then we are going to dinner with a couple of friends. All in all a nice evening, but hardly a rip roarin celebration of the next year.
Today is also Guy Fawkes Day, the day in England commemorating the foiling of the Gunpowder Plot to blow up Parliament with te King in it. 400 years ago today. I always thought that was cool, my birthday being on Guy Fawkes.
I had a lovely afternoon a couple of days ago- I spent an hour under a huge maple tree, its foliage turning orange and red, as the sun went down. The light was incredible, and I was in this little park area behind my office that I had never paid much attention to. It's amazing, particularly with the change of the seasons. It was just what I needed- I read my book and let the breeze just wash over me.
Happy Guy Fawkes!! Have fun burning an effigy!!
Your film choices were excellent, i am a huge Christopher Guest fan as well.
I love the fact that he always works with the same ensemble cast and pretty much lets them improv. They work so well off each other.
"Yeah....but this one goes to eleven"
Glad to hear that your wife has given you the gift of music all over again.
Funny to think how far technology has taken us since we were younger, i still remember the day of eight tracks.
Keep me informed regarding your personal opinion on the brandy vs. whiskey debate.
and feel better soon.