Well, had a good weekend. though I am disappointed, a little- i had wanted to go see the Art Soiree thing at Main Street lounge on Fri, with Grotesque Burlesque (starring a couple of SG's- i forget who) and a bunch of other stuff. By the time we had done the others things though, we were exhausted and ready for home!! i tell you, i can't stay out like I used to. Ah well. There will be other occasions.
However, we did see our friend's theater company production of Midsummer Night's Dream.
The company is called Le Petomane Theatre Ensemble, http://www.lepetomane.org/
named after a turn of the century French vaudeville performer. His talent was the ability to control the intake of air into his colon, which was enormous. Le Petomane in french means something like "the mad farter".
Anyway, the show was great. They are Del' Arte trained, and use lots of physical comedy, as well as the inherent comedy in the writing. Really well done.
Here is a review
After the show, which was a dinner show to 9:30, we went to Ramsi's to celebrate the birthday of one of our freinds in the show. Big lively crwod- must have 30 of her friends appeared. I talked to greg mostly at the bar- it was little weird being there. i ran into an ex (ex-fling mostly- I didn't treat her very well, mostly because I didn't know how to- this was a long time ago, and I was a real shit at 21) who apparently works there. I think you know how this goes from here- i didn't recognize her at first (I've only seen her once, 6 months ago, since 1993, in entirely different setting), of course she recognized me, said hi in an undertone, then proceeded to ice me for the next 2 hours. Not an encounter calculated for ease.
Anyway, by the time we left (midnight), Regan and I were exhausted and said fuck it to the Burlesque. maybe next time.
Saturday wa great- we straightened and rearranged one of the rooms in our house which has needed it badly for 2 years. We moved a lot of the clutter out to our newly cleaned out shed (last weekend)- it felt awesome to get something done on the house. That eve, we went to the wedding of one of my oldest friends, one of the last holdouts- he and his now wife have been dating since 1996, and living together since 1999. Then we went to my friend's Langan and Kip's for a "farewell to the apartment"party, and watched some of the KINO films.
Here's a link to the KINO site
Yesterday, we straightened ANOTHER room, and lounged around the house reading, watching movies, and playing computer games. Awesome.
However, we did see our friend's theater company production of Midsummer Night's Dream.
The company is called Le Petomane Theatre Ensemble, http://www.lepetomane.org/
named after a turn of the century French vaudeville performer. His talent was the ability to control the intake of air into his colon, which was enormous. Le Petomane in french means something like "the mad farter".
Anyway, the show was great. They are Del' Arte trained, and use lots of physical comedy, as well as the inherent comedy in the writing. Really well done.
Here is a review
After the show, which was a dinner show to 9:30, we went to Ramsi's to celebrate the birthday of one of our freinds in the show. Big lively crwod- must have 30 of her friends appeared. I talked to greg mostly at the bar- it was little weird being there. i ran into an ex (ex-fling mostly- I didn't treat her very well, mostly because I didn't know how to- this was a long time ago, and I was a real shit at 21) who apparently works there. I think you know how this goes from here- i didn't recognize her at first (I've only seen her once, 6 months ago, since 1993, in entirely different setting), of course she recognized me, said hi in an undertone, then proceeded to ice me for the next 2 hours. Not an encounter calculated for ease.
Anyway, by the time we left (midnight), Regan and I were exhausted and said fuck it to the Burlesque. maybe next time.
Saturday wa great- we straightened and rearranged one of the rooms in our house which has needed it badly for 2 years. We moved a lot of the clutter out to our newly cleaned out shed (last weekend)- it felt awesome to get something done on the house. That eve, we went to the wedding of one of my oldest friends, one of the last holdouts- he and his now wife have been dating since 1996, and living together since 1999. Then we went to my friend's Langan and Kip's for a "farewell to the apartment"party, and watched some of the KINO films.
Here's a link to the KINO site
Yesterday, we straightened ANOTHER room, and lounged around the house reading, watching movies, and playing computer games. Awesome.