Not looks wise but more my insides. We are constantly at war. My digestive system fights me on nearly everything I put into my it, I've tried so many changes in diet, quit smoking, cut down to nearly no caffeine or booze. Stopped with the red meat (minus pepperoni on pizza which doesn't bother me). No oils, as little fatty foods as possible but I can't quite get rid of my sweet tooth.
I've been to doctors and specialists and no one has given me definitive answer except it's not some sort of cancer or Crohns. It could be caused by my panic and anxiety disorder OR my P&A Disorder is triggered by my digestive issues. Fuck if I know.
What I do know is it makes working a sonofabitch. Some days spending as much time in the bathrooms as I do at my post working. Bosses aren't too keen on that one but not much I can do at the moment. Haven't worked there long enough to qualify for FMLA and since my doctors haven't come up with anything concrete, I haven't gotten a doctor's note to at least put on file at my job.
I wouldn't hate it so much if it didn't leave me so exhausted and drained. It's kind of a pain in the ass ( take the pun if you want) but it is a way of life for now.
On to something completely different, last weekend I wasted two hours watching a horrible movie that I knew was going to be horrible before I watched it. Not one of those so bad it's good type bad movie instead it was just maddening bad.
World War Z. I know you shouldn't judge a movie by the book it's based on but this movie wasn't even based on the book, it was based on the book's title and that's all. I could list everything I loathed about it but I would be writing until the sun comes up. If I can warn anyone against losing precious movie watching time with W.W.Z. then my work is done. Instead I HIGHLY recommend listening to the book on tape with an entire cast reading. Now that is brilliant and breathes extra life into a masterpiece of a book. That movie is just a bag of syphilitic dicks.