Yes. Increase your network. You'll have more to choose from, but concentrating on what you need and want to do, pursuing your dreams, you'll end up finding people that are pursuing similar interests.
Similar analogy... In my church, we were doing a series called "Crave" about God's plan for relationships, and my pastor said, "Run hard after God. Eventually you'll see people who are running after Him too, so you decide to partner up and run together." Not trying to make this a religious conversation (as I fully respect anyone's beliefs and views) but the same can be said about a lot of things. Do what's important to you, don't waiver, and eventually, people will spring up that are on the same level as you. Never settle. Never slow down. Slowing down will bring more people around you, but do you really want to partner up with someone who isn't pursuing anything??
Similar analogy... In my church, we were doing a series called "Crave" about God's plan for relationships, and my pastor said, "Run hard after God. Eventually you'll see people who are running after Him too, so you decide to partner up and run together." Not trying to make this a religious conversation (as I fully respect anyone's beliefs and views) but the same can be said about a lot of things. Do what's important to you, don't waiver, and eventually, people will spring up that are on the same level as you. Never settle. Never slow down. Slowing down will bring more people around you, but do you really want to partner up with someone who isn't pursuing anything??
My 2 cents... Lol
Things are alright. The job front is about to change, and I am doing the gym challenge again. Nothing I do is ever easy, everything happens at once.
How are you?