So today....well, it has been shitty all around. It started out with a procedure to check my bladder to confirm I do or don't have kidney stones. (I don't, btw). Well this procedure is much like a catheter, but larger tube and a microscope. Yeah, they "numb" you first, but they don't warn you of the pain afterwards. It's like pissing razors. So that was the beginning of my morning. I then was able to get into pain management to have my back checked, in which apparently I have been misdiagnosed with kidney issues for the past 6 months and this lower back pain is a joint issue. Physical therapy and then injections are next step. Then the doctor is going to do some lidocaine injections in my neck for my migraines-doubt that will work, but got to do the steps. I have more rounds of botox scheduled on the 15th from the VA for my jaw and migraines-just 50 or so shots of botox to my head, no biggie :( Botox that doesn't work, by the way. Then I had to deal with my stepson's "mother" (if she can really be called that...more like an egg donor). All around, my day was shit. I did buy something pretty before dealing with that dumbass and dropping them off. Will have to show that when I don't hurt like this.
I hope your weekend is much better,
(hugs) hate to hear about your shitty day. I hope things have gotten better by now and that they can manage your pain better. @};-