I don't talk about it much, but I absolutely hate having so many medical issues. While the pain bothers me, my thyroid brings me the most sadness. Growing up, and through my mid twenties, I never went over 150lbs. I was always top heavy and I had hips, but I was skinny. Here comes my hypothyroidism to screw that up for me. I'm not small now, and I've come to the realization over time that I never will be that small again. It does make me insecure. I do know that people of all sizes are beautiful, but there are days I simply don't feel that way. It's hard being curvier and having people assume it's because I eat shit food or am lazy. Truth be told, I've been on a mainly liquid diet for over a month due to my jaw and my weight has only come down some.
It's just one of those days. We all have them. I may have them more often than I'd like to admit.