I finally got some sleep, though I could definitely stand to get more. I took like 40 pics for Juggalosic early this morning and I shared some in my albums-hope you enjoy
That man makes me smile so much it hurts! I look forward to every moment I get with him and am so ecstatic that we have forever together. I love you baby!
I am so happy that ZombieRose is enjoying the site...it makes me really happy to see her smile so much again. Happiness looks great on her
I read CleoKat blog today and I know that she is super busy with school and work. I've decided that I will continue doing Topless Tuesday's in her honor, so I hope you all enjoy. No promises that I can touch her awesomeness, but I will still try to make you smile as much as she does! I considered doing Thong Thursdays, but I'm not even going to embarrass myself with that because she has an untouchable ass <3
I also wanted to say thanks to all of you amazing people for the wonderful compliments on my hair! I'm lucky to have such amazing friends that take the time to read my rambling blogs and say such nice things. I am a fortunate woman
I could really go for some Arsenic snuggles...I miss her so
I love you Star!

I am so happy that ZombieRose is enjoying the site...it makes me really happy to see her smile so much again. Happiness looks great on her

I read CleoKat blog today and I know that she is super busy with school and work. I've decided that I will continue doing Topless Tuesday's in her honor, so I hope you all enjoy. No promises that I can touch her awesomeness, but I will still try to make you smile as much as she does! I considered doing Thong Thursdays, but I'm not even going to embarrass myself with that because she has an untouchable ass <3
I also wanted to say thanks to all of you amazing people for the wonderful compliments on my hair! I'm lucky to have such amazing friends that take the time to read my rambling blogs and say such nice things. I am a fortunate woman

I could really go for some Arsenic snuggles...I miss her so


Your hair is awesome!!! <3
You're the sweetest