Man the last seven days have been strange hence the really long entry.
I've been to the emergency room where I've had almost every medicial test known to man done to me finding nothing wrong with me.
I got a new cat.
I've been to Toronto
I've found an awesome apartment.
Friday the 14th:
I got to sleep at 12:30am only to be woken up at 2am by really bad chest pains that I thought was just heart burn so I took an antacid and tried to go back to bed. By 5am I was keeling over in pain probably the worst pain I've ever had in my life and I've had some wicked pains in my life. By 6am I was in an ambulance on the way to the emergency room. IVs really do go in easy when your in excruciating pain.
After they took about 4 vials of blood, did an EKG, did an ultrasound, and gave me some peppermint tasting green medicine they still couldn't come up what was causing the pain.
Mean while I'm still going through waves of unbearable pain. You know that 1-10 scale doctors use when they ask you how bad your pain is? I was hitting a ten 12 times an hour which is odd since I've never had any thing rate over a seven.
Which brings me to these four words Thank God For Morphine.
After that there was two more vials of blood taken from me and they decided they wanted to do a cat scan of my abdomen. Which I found is really called a CT scan is quite an involved process. I had to drink about a liter of some contrast fluid that tasted like flat tonic water (didn't really mind the taste) and then get injected with about a pint of another fluid that makes you feel like you just pissed yourself. Then they slid me though a big metal donut that sounded like jet engine Since I wasn't begging for death because of the pain I actually found the whole process kind of interesting. The only down side was the raging nausea afterwards.
After all of those blood tests, an EKG, an ultrasound, a urine sample, and a cat scan they still couldn't come up with a reason for the pains. Though they felt they had ruled out anything serious so they sent me home with prescriptions for pain and nausea meds and told me to come back for a recheck in 24 hours.
So I went home and showered but only lasted a few hours before falling asleep totally exhausted at 6pm.
Saturday the 15th:
16 hours of solid sleep later I woke up fine and dandy and told the nice ER staff that I was such. So they sent me home. Go figure. I mean about the massive pains one day and complete recover the next not the sending me home part.
Sunday the 16th:
We got a new cat. Well another new cat. Really this one wasn't planned at least by my Dad or I though I'm not too sure about my mother. How it happened is we decided to go to this cat show since none of us had ever been. It turns out my mother had been emailing someone who had the cat breed lines of our cat, Oscar, that had just passed away a few months earlier and knew she was going to be there.
Long story short we brought home Ralph.
He still quite shy and Kelvin, our other cat, kind of still thinks of him as a new toy but I think Ralph is coming around.
Monday the 17th:
Even after quite an interesting weekend my father and I were off to Toronto as planned to go and try to find me an apartment. One five hour drive later we were revisiting one of our favorite spots in Toronto, the Beer Bistro. I'm a sucker for Fuller's ESB on draught.
Tuesday the 18th:
After an early start, a ton of internet searching, a bunch of emails, multiple phone calls, and finding out most apartment ads for just flat out lies we visited four apartments that seemed promising.
Apartment 1:
I only really understood about every third word the super said but that really didn't matter as the building and the apartment spoke for themselves. Dirty, dingy, and smelly. They walls had been painted by someone who obviously had never held a paint brush in their lives.
Apartment 2:
A world apart from the first but still not that great. The apartment seemed fine it was just the super was...not someone I could see working in my interest. I didn't rule out the possibility that she was part of the russian mafia.
During the lunch break I took, I help hoping that the previous apartment was not the best there was.
Apartment 3:
Finally a clean, newer, safe looking apartment that had lots of friendly looking student types. Very nice place but quite expensive and extremely small. But hey I walked in expecting to find worse after my previous experiences.
Apartment 4:
But like with the three bears there was one apartment that was just right. I shockingly found a great looking, massive 1 bedroom apartment for a cheaper price then the tiny little bachelors I had been looking at before. Plus a super that sound like someone I can get along with easily and will actually do their job. This sounded like the one.
Wednesday the 19th:
After a night to sleep on it I decided to go with apartment number 4. So I called up the nice lady to say I would like to take it. No answer just a machine.
I had breakfast and called again. Same thing, no answer just a machine.
So I decided to drive down there and checkout how long the walk was to the campus and back. After doing that and having lunch at a nice little place down the street from the apartment I went up and buzzed the rental office in the building. No answer and I was starting to worry as it was 1pm and I had to drive back that evening.
I sat in Starbucks for a while killing time and waiting for a call form her.
To kill sometime more time I visited another building owned by the same company and found out the rental lady was visiting her brother in the hospital and would be back around 4:30pm or so.
So I walked the few blocks back to a book store near my hotel and browsed for an hour and a half yet still no call.
Trekked back the the building a rung the bell answer. Now I was really thrown for a loop. Do I give up and go home or waiting even longer. Decided to wait longer as this was a really nice place.
Walked to the nearest supermarket then to the Toronto public library and read the paper. Still no call.
Had a bite to eat. Still no call. It was now almost 6pm. Still I was faced with the same question, leave or continue the craziness. Being the sane person I am I choose option 2.
I tired the office phone number once more and it went stright to voicemail. It was glimmer of hope as this could me she was checking her messages. So I went back for one last try of the buzzer at 6pm and finally caught her.
After a nice chat I was on my way home with the rental forms and knowledge my gem was almost mine. Of course I knew I still wouldn't make it home until 1am at the earliest but still nice to have something nice to think about.
Thursday the 20th Thru Friday the 21th:
Ok so these days weren't all that strange nor interesting so I guess I'll just leave them out. I really who of your have read this far? Really? Man you must really a good person or just really really bored or just plain crazy. Not that anyone one of those things are bad.
So yeah that's where I've been these past few days and what I've been doing. Now time for some sleep. I still have tons to do before I'm even ready to move to that apartment.
I've been to the emergency room where I've had almost every medicial test known to man done to me finding nothing wrong with me.
I got a new cat.
I've been to Toronto
I've found an awesome apartment.
Friday the 14th:
I got to sleep at 12:30am only to be woken up at 2am by really bad chest pains that I thought was just heart burn so I took an antacid and tried to go back to bed. By 5am I was keeling over in pain probably the worst pain I've ever had in my life and I've had some wicked pains in my life. By 6am I was in an ambulance on the way to the emergency room. IVs really do go in easy when your in excruciating pain.
After they took about 4 vials of blood, did an EKG, did an ultrasound, and gave me some peppermint tasting green medicine they still couldn't come up what was causing the pain.
Mean while I'm still going through waves of unbearable pain. You know that 1-10 scale doctors use when they ask you how bad your pain is? I was hitting a ten 12 times an hour which is odd since I've never had any thing rate over a seven.
Which brings me to these four words Thank God For Morphine.
After that there was two more vials of blood taken from me and they decided they wanted to do a cat scan of my abdomen. Which I found is really called a CT scan is quite an involved process. I had to drink about a liter of some contrast fluid that tasted like flat tonic water (didn't really mind the taste) and then get injected with about a pint of another fluid that makes you feel like you just pissed yourself. Then they slid me though a big metal donut that sounded like jet engine Since I wasn't begging for death because of the pain I actually found the whole process kind of interesting. The only down side was the raging nausea afterwards.
After all of those blood tests, an EKG, an ultrasound, a urine sample, and a cat scan they still couldn't come up with a reason for the pains. Though they felt they had ruled out anything serious so they sent me home with prescriptions for pain and nausea meds and told me to come back for a recheck in 24 hours.
So I went home and showered but only lasted a few hours before falling asleep totally exhausted at 6pm.
Saturday the 15th:
16 hours of solid sleep later I woke up fine and dandy and told the nice ER staff that I was such. So they sent me home. Go figure. I mean about the massive pains one day and complete recover the next not the sending me home part.
Sunday the 16th:
We got a new cat. Well another new cat. Really this one wasn't planned at least by my Dad or I though I'm not too sure about my mother. How it happened is we decided to go to this cat show since none of us had ever been. It turns out my mother had been emailing someone who had the cat breed lines of our cat, Oscar, that had just passed away a few months earlier and knew she was going to be there.
Long story short we brought home Ralph.

He still quite shy and Kelvin, our other cat, kind of still thinks of him as a new toy but I think Ralph is coming around.
Monday the 17th:
Even after quite an interesting weekend my father and I were off to Toronto as planned to go and try to find me an apartment. One five hour drive later we were revisiting one of our favorite spots in Toronto, the Beer Bistro. I'm a sucker for Fuller's ESB on draught.
Tuesday the 18th:
After an early start, a ton of internet searching, a bunch of emails, multiple phone calls, and finding out most apartment ads for just flat out lies we visited four apartments that seemed promising.
Apartment 1:
I only really understood about every third word the super said but that really didn't matter as the building and the apartment spoke for themselves. Dirty, dingy, and smelly. They walls had been painted by someone who obviously had never held a paint brush in their lives.
Apartment 2:
A world apart from the first but still not that great. The apartment seemed fine it was just the super was...not someone I could see working in my interest. I didn't rule out the possibility that she was part of the russian mafia.
During the lunch break I took, I help hoping that the previous apartment was not the best there was.
Apartment 3:
Finally a clean, newer, safe looking apartment that had lots of friendly looking student types. Very nice place but quite expensive and extremely small. But hey I walked in expecting to find worse after my previous experiences.
Apartment 4:
But like with the three bears there was one apartment that was just right. I shockingly found a great looking, massive 1 bedroom apartment for a cheaper price then the tiny little bachelors I had been looking at before. Plus a super that sound like someone I can get along with easily and will actually do their job. This sounded like the one.
Wednesday the 19th:
After a night to sleep on it I decided to go with apartment number 4. So I called up the nice lady to say I would like to take it. No answer just a machine.
I had breakfast and called again. Same thing, no answer just a machine.
So I decided to drive down there and checkout how long the walk was to the campus and back. After doing that and having lunch at a nice little place down the street from the apartment I went up and buzzed the rental office in the building. No answer and I was starting to worry as it was 1pm and I had to drive back that evening.
I sat in Starbucks for a while killing time and waiting for a call form her.
To kill sometime more time I visited another building owned by the same company and found out the rental lady was visiting her brother in the hospital and would be back around 4:30pm or so.
So I walked the few blocks back to a book store near my hotel and browsed for an hour and a half yet still no call.
Trekked back the the building a rung the bell answer. Now I was really thrown for a loop. Do I give up and go home or waiting even longer. Decided to wait longer as this was a really nice place.
Walked to the nearest supermarket then to the Toronto public library and read the paper. Still no call.
Had a bite to eat. Still no call. It was now almost 6pm. Still I was faced with the same question, leave or continue the craziness. Being the sane person I am I choose option 2.
I tired the office phone number once more and it went stright to voicemail. It was glimmer of hope as this could me she was checking her messages. So I went back for one last try of the buzzer at 6pm and finally caught her.
After a nice chat I was on my way home with the rental forms and knowledge my gem was almost mine. Of course I knew I still wouldn't make it home until 1am at the earliest but still nice to have something nice to think about.
Thursday the 20th Thru Friday the 21th:
Ok so these days weren't all that strange nor interesting so I guess I'll just leave them out. I really who of your have read this far? Really? Man you must really a good person or just really really bored or just plain crazy. Not that anyone one of those things are bad.
So yeah that's where I've been these past few days and what I've been doing. Now time for some sleep. I still have tons to do before I'm even ready to move to that apartment.