well the floods in queensland have almost gone its left a trail of distruction but as we always do qlders well come back fighting and stronger than before
first week back at work, what a pain the ass that was, flooding everywhere but i got out with out a problem but its going to make things really busy when the clean up is done
so this old school flame wants to keep in touch which is kinda cool, she is one hell of a funny chick and she doesnt mind being a bit dirty to, awesome chick
good morning SG land its been a while since i have been around, lots of stuff going on. an old flame from school showed up, that was fun really fun we had some laughs remembering old times, oh how silly we were back in the day
Another day in this carnival of souls, another nights end ends as quickly as it goes, the memories of shadows, ink on the page and i cant seem to find my way home,
Twisting and turning, unable to sleep, do the voices ever stop, my thoughts speak louder the more i resist and their driving me insane, do they ever go.
I know how you feel. Womp Womp