What's new in my world?
-Graduated beauty school....
-Have a job at a salon that won best new salon of Philadelphia magazine. I am an assistant to two stylist. I do all there bitch work and touch ups... But after a year, I'll have a chair... hopefully
Making good money...
- Way, Way, Way, single now. Justin and I split... He's already seeing someone else who is not even remotely close to my level looks or intellect wise... So I'm not too distraught. I can do better.
- I'm 60 pounds lighter from last september.
I've been way busy and off the SG scene... What's new with everyone?
-Graduated beauty school....
-Have a job at a salon that won best new salon of Philadelphia magazine. I am an assistant to two stylist. I do all there bitch work and touch ups... But after a year, I'll have a chair... hopefully

- Way, Way, Way, single now. Justin and I split... He's already seeing someone else who is not even remotely close to my level looks or intellect wise... So I'm not too distraught. I can do better.
- I'm 60 pounds lighter from last september.
I've been way busy and off the SG scene... What's new with everyone?
Happy New Year!

hi, told you I was on here, just had been awhile