Well, I have nothing to report.
Only ONE new business idea that, I think, would be great.
Also, bought this stuff to whiten my teeth in the drug store for ten bucks... and it works! I didn't think it was... but it does!
My mom said something last night that made me think... She thinks I should not be so exclusive with my boyfriend... meaning she things we should have more of an open relationship. I don't know if I agree or not, but I was also reading Scarlett Johansson 's article about monogramous relationships... She makes sense and I think I agree with her 95%. She doesn't think it's human nature to be with only one person. She believes that you should gain life experience with every relationship you're in, sexual or not. So, if you're only in one exclusive relationship for the rest of your life or have been for a long time, you are doing yourself an unjustice by not meeting other people.
BUT, just because she believes that doesn't mean she is a slut.
In the telegraph, it quotes her to say...
"Contrary to popular belief, I'm not promiscuous. There does seem to be a mistaken belief out there that I am sexually available somehow _ which is not to say that I'm not open-minded about sex."
"Monogamy might not be natural but was worth striving for in a relationship."
--I agree with this completely. It's not natural, but if you love someone enough, you'll do it...
I got some thinking to do.
God, I want her. She is so fucking hot. I don't know if i would want to look like her, or fuck her... hmm....
If you haven't commented or seen my PSW/Practice set. Please do so now... I might be taken it down and putting it in PSW... and someone of you aren't part of that group.
I've been trying the Listerine whitener & it too seems to work . And as far as Scarlett goes , you're not alone in wanting her . Look at Woody eying her up on that magazine , the dirty old hound .