I hate to be the guy that vents online but I need to get this out. I feel comfortable enough doing it here.
In any matter, my best friend came home from Japan this afternoon. Last week he flew to Japan to marry his long time sweetheart. He let me be there on Skype, though I am looking forward to being his best man in November. In honor of his return he had a "hipster BBQ". It was a blast.
Good night and thanks for letting me get that out. I feel much better.
Everyone's gotta vent. I don't think you're crazy. When you care about someone, you want to be with them. Packing up and moving isn't an easy thing to do. You aren't being selfish by going to see your family. Family is important and it's cool you care about yours.
No problem
The point of a community is to be there and support each other.