wowza my hair is like majorly blnde, err blonde. And yes I do bear a striking resemblence to Lindsay Lohan. Which I guess you could take that as either good or bad. When my mom and sis saw on E! that she had gone blonde awhile ago I got a message on my answering machine from my sister about it. (my dominant hair color believe it or not has been blonde over the past few years) It's the freckles and skin and the build too. Everybody thinks she looks bad with the blonde hair and skinny frame. But I don't because, well, quite frankly I'd be a hipocrite if I didn't! I used to have long red hair and be chubbier too dammit!
But it's kinda that kind tacky yellow blonde at the moment because my god dammed hair won't bleach like it used to. I stripped it. Then bleached it and it went to that orange color. So I put a strawbery blonde over it to make it look somewhat ok.... then I realized it was a washed out orange because it didn't take very well. So I stripped it AGAIN, and bleached it again. And no, it's not falling out. I'm so frustrated though. It used to go blonde so so much easier. And I know what your thinking, you dye your hair so much, that's why it won't take. But but but my hair is relatively short... so most of it hasn't been processed very much at all. AHhhhh.
On a more important note.... today was my last day of Micro, and my last college class ever. Ok maybe not if I go to get my masters some day. But for quite awhile though. I feel pretty confident about the final. Knock on wood.
But it's kinda that kind tacky yellow blonde at the moment because my god dammed hair won't bleach like it used to. I stripped it. Then bleached it and it went to that orange color. So I put a strawbery blonde over it to make it look somewhat ok.... then I realized it was a washed out orange because it didn't take very well. So I stripped it AGAIN, and bleached it again. And no, it's not falling out. I'm so frustrated though. It used to go blonde so so much easier. And I know what your thinking, you dye your hair so much, that's why it won't take. But but but my hair is relatively short... so most of it hasn't been processed very much at all. AHhhhh.
On a more important note.... today was my last day of Micro, and my last college class ever. Ok maybe not if I go to get my masters some day. But for quite awhile though. I feel pretty confident about the final. Knock on wood.
Where in KY are you from.
What was your major, I graduated from college in may now I need to find a job.
I hope all is well with you.
Oh and I dont mind her being blond but I dont like her being bone thin I like girls who dont starve them selves.