So, just saying hi to let you all know I'm alive & well!
Having a nice weekend so far...just in a good mood for a change...
going out 4xing tomorrow to geocache....if you don't have a clue what I'm writing of, look up "geocaching".
Anywho, haven't yet heard from Lisa...although she's back in NJ visiting her parents for another week....but when she's home on the 20th she's taking amtrak up here to visit me for a few days, before she starts college again in Sept. down in I'll definitely have tons to brag about after THAT visit!
We're gonna sit out in my backyard to watch the stars when she's here, among OTHER fun stuff.
Nannernannernanner! LOL
You SO wish you were me, trust me.
I'm super stoked after she happen to let slip out of her yummy lips "I'm into giving oral for as long as you want." (!!!!!!!!!) you TOTALLY wish you were me. She's damn hot too....with sexy tongue & lip piercings. Sexy biatch she is!
Okay, enough already. Heehee
OH! You guys & dolls saw the opening ceremony for the Athens Olympics, right? It was so effing rad, you should have. The best ceremonies so far, for sure....the greek went all out. Bad ass.
Gotta jet for now....
take care!
If you want to get in touch w/ me hit my "contact" people....
Having a nice weekend so far...just in a good mood for a change...
going out 4xing tomorrow to geocache....if you don't have a clue what I'm writing of, look up "geocaching".

Anywho, haven't yet heard from Lisa...although she's back in NJ visiting her parents for another week....but when she's home on the 20th she's taking amtrak up here to visit me for a few days, before she starts college again in Sept. down in I'll definitely have tons to brag about after THAT visit!

Nannernannernanner! LOL
You SO wish you were me, trust me.

I'm super stoked after she happen to let slip out of her yummy lips "I'm into giving oral for as long as you want." (!!!!!!!!!) you TOTALLY wish you were me. She's damn hot too....with sexy tongue & lip piercings. Sexy biatch she is!
Okay, enough already. Heehee
OH! You guys & dolls saw the opening ceremony for the Athens Olympics, right? It was so effing rad, you should have. The best ceremonies so far, for sure....the greek went all out. Bad ass.
Gotta jet for now....
take care!
If you want to get in touch w/ me hit my "contact" people....


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[Edited on Aug 20, 2004 1:46AM]