Goodness me its about time i updated!!
Im moving house at the moment so everything is a bit stressy and MESSY so i havnet been on the computer much. Im now an essex girl!
the house ive moved into also has 6 cats and a snake and is soon to be having 2 ferrets so im busy busy busy putting all my stuff away and MY GOD I HAVE A LOT OF STUFF! I didnt realise quite how much stuff i had! I really need to be brutal and throw stuff away but there doesnt seem to be enough hours in the day to do eveything!!
ive been doing loads of stuff inbetween moving including gigs, skating, drinking but once im settled i shall give you a more interesting update...
Im moving house at the moment so everything is a bit stressy and MESSY so i havnet been on the computer much. Im now an essex girl!
ive been doing loads of stuff inbetween moving including gigs, skating, drinking but once im settled i shall give you a more interesting update...
lol how i wish i could move to a house full of animals!! better than living with a moany mum and bossy younger sister!
There are a hell of a lot worse things to be than busy. Give them Krauts hell!