Im back. Did you miss me? 
The SPEEDFREAKS BALL was excellent! I drank too much, took too many chemicals and danced all night every night...well. If you can call it that (...I jumped up and down out of time to music
) I met with old friends and made some new ones. Everyone there was SO cool, there was no dramas, no hassel.. Just good times. AND LOADS OF EYE CANDY. 
However, Nutz got sick so ive been nursing him back to health all week which has been rather tiring. (any girls out there who live with their man will know what im talking flu) he's had the week off work so i took tues off to look after him but had enough by wed and went back to work
bless him..he's on the mend now though.
On Friday night, I met with my partner in crime munch and we went to THE PERSISTANCE TOUR in kentish town. We arrived a little late so didnt get to see ALL the bands but we did manage to catch the last 10 mins of WALLS OF JERICHO, then TERROR, then MADBALL, then.. one of my fave live bands off all time SICK OF IT ALL. They didnt let me down. They totally ROOOOOCKED!! Great night!
Having a quiet weekend now. Gonna catch up with some work shite and do some painting and sleeping and eating. Meeting my mum on monday for lunch which will probably end in xmas shopping
I decided to put a few pairs of my shoes up on ebay the other night. Thought seing as its that expensive time of year again it would be nice to make a few extra pennys and I DO have too many shoes (If thats possible - I dont think it is
) So anyone interested in some of my old shoes...Including the boots i wore in my FEAR OF THE WARLOCK set. Look here (I think)
Have a great weekend everyone. xx

The SPEEDFREAKS BALL was excellent! I drank too much, took too many chemicals and danced all night every night...well. If you can call it that (...I jumped up and down out of time to music

However, Nutz got sick so ive been nursing him back to health all week which has been rather tiring. (any girls out there who live with their man will know what im talking flu) he's had the week off work so i took tues off to look after him but had enough by wed and went back to work

On Friday night, I met with my partner in crime munch and we went to THE PERSISTANCE TOUR in kentish town. We arrived a little late so didnt get to see ALL the bands but we did manage to catch the last 10 mins of WALLS OF JERICHO, then TERROR, then MADBALL, then.. one of my fave live bands off all time SICK OF IT ALL. They didnt let me down. They totally ROOOOOCKED!! Great night!
Having a quiet weekend now. Gonna catch up with some work shite and do some painting and sleeping and eating. Meeting my mum on monday for lunch which will probably end in xmas shopping

I decided to put a few pairs of my shoes up on ebay the other night. Thought seing as its that expensive time of year again it would be nice to make a few extra pennys and I DO have too many shoes (If thats possible - I dont think it is

Have a great weekend everyone. xx

i got my first big tattoo yesterday and its hurting alot, i sat for 2 hrs.. which is probably nothing really but...
i feel quite hardcore! i wanted to message you and say that- although i'm not sure why
anyway, i also have too many shoes but its more painful than my arm feels right now to give them to anyone else.. even for money...
sminks x