I looked after my nephew on saturday night and he was ill...Its such hard work. I totally respect all you people out there that have kids and are still SANE!! I dunno how you do it i really dont!
Sunday i went to the tattoo/piercing trade meeting thingy. It was so good to meet so many other people in the trade and share storeys and trade secrets with out actually having to work. We had a big party after the meeting at a hotel and got shit faced.
I feel so much better about myself on a 'work' level and reassured that im actually good at what i do
I will adding a few more strings to my bow soon and learning how to do 'implants' So if anyone wants me to practace on them...lemme know
Back to work tomorrow. I feel knackered already. I think i need a holiday
Tomorrow I am going to see 'against me!' with munch and yoeman should be fun
ta ta
after thought...i know i keep saying it and never doing it but....I am gonna have to sort out my 'friends list' very soon as its getting out of control. If you request my friendship, i will always accept you, but in order to stay on the list, we must at least message each other or comment from time to time. There are so many people who i've never even talked to on my list so, dont take it personally if i delete you.
Hey beautiful, so you ejouyed your reflexology yeah! F**K you make me laugh when I'm at work! I think you should frame that pic you drew for my birthday!