Saturday was super busy at work, then i drove into London to the SG meet in camden. The lovely YORKIE done a great job of looking after me and introducing me to everyone..although there was ALOT of people there so it was very hard to talk to everyone. I had a GREAT time although i was a lightweight and didnt make it to the club with everyone else
Sunday was spent doing a bit of retail therapy in London with the gorgeous Annie... speaking of Annie... I finally got some of the "catfight" pics back from last month...
(oops they too big, try the pics 'random' folder )
Also a pic of my new ink....
It looks way better in the flesh..im so poo at taking photo's!
and a pic of my new mirror i got off ebay
Its huge!! I love it, so ive hung it on the wall at work
Yesterday I drove Nutz to Essex for him get some more ink...he had another 6 hours and is very pleased with it and I GOT MY CHEEK PIERCED!! It didnt hurt a bit and i love it...except today i resemble that of a hampster and its still swelling so...i shant post pics till its gone down....
The piercer was like...."it feels really wierd piercing another piercer" But I really enjoyed being on the other side for a change and he is a great piercer so I trusted him... It has made me appreciate just what i do for people everyday and that i am infact...very good at my job...
So i went back to work today a happy but puffy cheeked girl... ink and a piercing in the space of a week...All i need now is sex and my world will be complete
I'm still absolutly knackered from the weekend. I need a good nights sleep now.
ttfn peeps.