So I've been a Soldier, A husband, A step-father, A son, A brother and a friend. But If I died tomorrow I don't think anyone would remember any of that. I know that's a weird thing to think about but you never know what will happen. Its to the point to where I want to find something for people to remember me by. This all is coming about because of a shitty date. How will I be remembered 5 minutes after I leave a date. Its all crazy.
I have no special talent I've never done anything that is to crazy special at all, I've just been here or there. I see people doing stuff that will make them famous, rich, special or unforgettable. To be famous or infamous?
Learn how to do something let it take over and hurt people. Dictator, thief, a under of life. Famous being someone who cured cancer, saved lives, being a great husband and father. I know all of this is sounding so stupid but its how my fucked head thinks. I want to be special but fear I never will be.
I have no special talent I've never done anything that is to crazy special at all, I've just been here or there. I see people doing stuff that will make them famous, rich, special or unforgettable. To be famous or infamous?
Learn how to do something let it take over and hurt people. Dictator, thief, a under of life. Famous being someone who cured cancer, saved lives, being a great husband and father. I know all of this is sounding so stupid but its how my fucked head thinks. I want to be special but fear I never will be.

It doesn't sound stupid at all. Everyone wants to be remembered for something great.
we all feel that way bro..