Well I'm watching Rescue me. Its 7:25 over here in Iraq and noon in the states. But guess what it is easter and I still haven't heard from the wife today. We got into a big argument last night and I don't think we are going to recover from this one. It was pretty bad, and since I'm in Iraq I really can't do anything about it. So my easter is pretty shitty. That rhymes. Ya that was the highlight of my day, how fucking sad is that. So if anyone is in the mood to put me into a good mood email me. I'm bored.
More Blogs
Tuesday Jun 25, 2013
So my account still isnt down. Well one of these days it will be. Hop… -
Thursday Jun 20, 2013
Well I guess im going to have to go for a month or so. I really cant … -
Monday Jun 10, 2013
So first day of school since 04 wow it was actually pretty good. Only… -
Saturday Jun 08, 2013
Starting to get real tired of going to bed alone everynight -
Monday Jun 03, 2013
Well its time for an update. So today me and my buddy Keifer went… -
Sunday May 26, 2013
So I've been a Soldier, A husband, A step-father, A son, A brother an… -
Thursday May 23, 2013
Well hello Everyone here in SG land. Its been some time since I've ke… -
Sunday May 19, 2013
So after a year I'm back yay me -
Monday Jan 16, 2012
So now I do have internet so sry for the delay I know that everyone h… -
Sunday Nov 13, 2011
So here I am again. I have ghetto rigged some internet for myself....…