Well my year is up on the 30th... yes i know i will get a new one on the first
Well congratulations for making it a year..glad to here you will be sticking around!
I know I will be here..my logo tattoo gave me a lifetime membership..I am just not sure if they meant my life or SG'stongue
If i get a logo tattoo i get a lifetime membership?
Well Sg I'm home from Iraq. I have been since the 4th. I volunteered to go back. I'm not liking the states too. Much so today is Christmas. I'm not really religious but before my wife left and took her daughter, I was kinda excited. Not anymore.
Well another day gone. Very few left in this country. No change in the whole soon to be ex-wife thing. Still going home to an airmattress and a box of wine. I hope everyone is doing ok. If anyone in my area wants to hang out or if your going to be in the southeast area and you wanna hang that would be super duper....
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So for a quick blog while im running around and shit. hope all is well out there im getting ready to go home so yta just giving an update 1-5 of next month people yayayayayaysmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmileblushblushblushblushblushblushblushoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoink
Well I am so close i can taste it now like close so ya wanting to go home and not wanting to kinda is stressful. but hey shit happens right
well thats rather intense jack!
So How is everyone doing today. ANother day another dollar. I got 20 days left in this country. But I volunteered for another year. Yay me!!!! I cant be home and deal with all this anymore. But I'm a survivor. I need to meet people i need some new friends. So here is a list of qualities I'd like in a friend.

1. Funny
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