as an old blog has been worn out
to unveil a new one what is it about?
what makes a person?
i recently met a guy i had seen before and automatically took him for an emo. i asked him a few questions, and as he was answering them i began to realize that i had something in common with him. he took me as someone just trying to judge him, and began asking questions back. heres a few of them
favorite poet?
edgar allen poe
ever had some one die?
my nephew was murdered, my aunt and uncle died in a car accident
ever been phisically harmed?
i was shot in the hand with a twenty two.
closest death?
black widow bite
he said that emo wasn't a lifestyle you pic up. that it was a fact of being. does anyone know if he was right?
to unveil a new one what is it about?
what makes a person?
i recently met a guy i had seen before and automatically took him for an emo. i asked him a few questions, and as he was answering them i began to realize that i had something in common with him. he took me as someone just trying to judge him, and began asking questions back. heres a few of them
favorite poet?
edgar allen poe
ever had some one die?
my nephew was murdered, my aunt and uncle died in a car accident
ever been phisically harmed?
i was shot in the hand with a twenty two.
closest death?
black widow bite
he said that emo wasn't a lifestyle you pic up. that it was a fact of being. does anyone know if he was right?
hello, hello