Yup, typical shit luck continues. Come sometime next week, I'll be goin up the river to see the big man, and get my ass handed to me on a silver platter. Gonna be trapped on the boat for 45 days, and end up with a half months pay for 2 months, so, I'm gonna be hurtin come x-mas time. Oh well. It was bound to happen sooner or later, fuck it- better it happen now than later on when it would really hurt me! But that's ok, I'm spending my last free weekend DRUNK OFF MY ASS! So, yeah. Fuckin, give me a call, either fuck with me this weekend, or keep me company while I'm on the ship with nothing to do! Yes, I finally replaced my phone, go figure... (808) 348-3091. DO IT!
Anyway, Peace!
Anyway, Peace!

about time....