GODDAMMIT! I'm so damn disappointed with myself for the night.
I'm not gonna get into details, but, for those that know me well, I love the ladies. I come across a hot little korean girl, and, things went well-Extremely Well.
Only, for some reason, I couldn't come through on my end of the bargain.
Dude I was with knew exactley what "I was talkin about." But, aside from the point, all I gotta say, is it was a fluke, not enough time, moral judgement, whatever. Either way, I shouldn't be pissed, but I am. Oh well, I'm sure the booze was a key factor, and I'm gonna top off the evening with some more, fuck it. There's always another day to prove my point, which is exactley what I'm gonna do- no bad beef on any part, just...I was dealt a shitty hand, and I played it.- and I lost. Oh well-tomorrow is another day another dollar. It's all good. Well, Peace Out, My Bitches! Mad Jack the Old Skool Pervert Pirate signing off in the name of booze!


lol it's all good, buT i can't drink till next week wed or so cause I'm waiting to get the okay from my dentist. Also I do have a friend BUT we are both married so if we got shit faced, it would have to be just to go get shit faced, not to get 'jiggy' with it...but we haven't been out in a while too (i mean like out-out, of course we have gone out of the house) But we are going to the NOFX show on sat, so we'll be in that area (waikiki) I can give you my cell but I know I'm gunna end up getting weird calls but it's okay...1-808-391-8270....just delete that as soon as you get it! see yah...