WOWZA!!!!! I'M FUCKIN LOVIN HAWAII, BITCH!!!!! The weather is so damn nice, the booze is so damn good, and the women are so damn fine!!!!! Only been here a week, and I already want to look for a nice big house-simply because the ship is so damned cramped, i hurt all over from smackin into things, my knee aches, my elbow bleeds, my heads throbs, and my ribs kill, but the booze, women and the sweet sweet weather take all my ails away! I LOVE IT HERE!!!!!!!! Anyway, time to comtinue my drinkin with the company of my fellow shipmates! FUCK THE FUCKERS! THE NAVY IS BETTER THAN YOU ALL! No offense to you non-military types, but, if so, We still rock your ass!
Anyway, I got a 12 pack and some candy flavored booze waitin! PEACE OUT MY BITCHES!!!