HOOYAH, Boys and Girls, this is Mad Jack the Mutha Fuckin Old Skool Pervert Pirate broadcasting directly from navy base Great Lakes in cold ass Illinois, where I just got my orders and they state I get to head to sunny HAWAII as of Feb. 1st, 2005 for the next 6 years on the USS Lake Eerie, CG 70. Good times. Sobriety has been kickin my ass, but, there is a bar on base, so needless to say, I'm broke as a fuckin joke. $230 for a plane ticket back home to shithole Iowa, then after graduation on the 27th of Jan, I go back Home Home to Boise, ID for a week then transfer off to Pearl Harbor. I wanted to go to Japan, but, hehe, I kinda failed my piss test the first time around at processing, so the drug waiver I came in on is gonna have to keep me stateside for about 3 years so long as I keep my nose clean. Which, shouldn't be any problem whatsoever. All in all, I'd love to stay and bs with all of my 2 friends who I don't even know if are still active to this site, and catch up on the assload of pix I know I'm missing out on (Sorry, Ladies....the Government sucks, what can I say), but that time will come in a week or 2 for X-mas leave. Well, gotta go, later bitches! Peace!

You rock Jack. Congrats on your assignment. 

that's fine w/h me!!!!!!