Yup....trying to keep a frequent journal, so as not to seem like one of those dudes that just joined the site for the nudity
, but, well, we all know how that one goes. As for a topic on what to speak of in these entries, I have no clue. Although, I had an interesting concept for a video game in the Star Wars line, in which you would be a Jedi Assasin. I got the idea from of course, being stoned, and watching that scene in Episode II when Mace Windu snuck up behind Jango Fett and activated his purple saber of whoop-ass below Jango's chin, and said to my cousin who was stoned and sitting next to me, "Dude, he could of easily ended everything right there by turning that thing on through Jango and quick slashing the other 2 on that balcony..." and thought about it from threre. Of course, it would have to be an evil jedi, but, how many ppl are now rooting for the bad guy in video games nowadays? Hitman, Prison Combat, Dead To Rights, GTA,, etc, etc, etc. Besides, I think it's be pretty damn cool to go up and whack some ppl jedi style, although, Lucas would never approve of that idea, that's for sure. Oh well, I can always dream......

Hey, I don't see no cash! Now get back in line, or go jonse somewhere else!
'fraid I'm in no position to suggest game ideas. though, I have to admit, I'm a bit surprised Lucas has never let you really do some evil Dark Side bidding. that new Bounty Hunter game lets you play as Jango, but they don't really play it like he's *evil*.