So, haven't been keeping up with current events, even though I only have one reader- me. Moved from Chicago to Virginia, wasn't too happy about that, but that's what I get for taking orders out of Hawaii. On deployment, been on it for a while now, and won't be home for a while. So, to anyone that may end up reading this- by some stroke of luck, if i don't respond to anything for some length of time, you know why. But, I'll be sure to keep everyone posted, and by everyone I mean me, when I get home. Until then, Happy New Year's Eve from the middle of the Atlantic Ocean!
More Blogs
Sunday Dec 09, 2012
Piss. It seems either I've been shelved because I've been a member f… -
Saturday Dec 31, 2011
So, haven't been keeping up with current events, even though I only h… -
Friday Jan 07, 2011
Just sittin here, listening to heavy metal so my beard will grow fast… -
Wednesday Mar 31, 2010
So- hours away from getting back home, and then weeks away from sayin… -
Tuesday Mar 30, 2010
Wow, my first post in 2 years. Sweet Christ. It's not that I have… -
Sunday Apr 01, 2007
Yup. First entry in too goddamn long, that's for sure. Anyway, not … -
Tuesday Nov 28, 2006
Sweet Christ I need to get my own computer and my own internet, and a… -
Saturday Aug 05, 2006
OH MY GOD!!!! I've been away for so long! So much shit is goin on, … -
Monday Feb 27, 2006
Ahhhhh.........I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I love boo… -
Sunday Feb 12, 2006
I Love My Job. What more can I say than that? I mean, first I get a…