YES KIDS!!!! I finally made it back home for the hollidays! Good ole Boise Fuckin Idaho! Let me tell you, so much shit has changed! Its hardly even home anymore with all the strip malls and coffee houses and all that bullshit in the open areas me and my buddies used to run around in. Oh well, I've ran into a few more friends from high school so its all god, and apparently, I'm still doing better than most of them, which is just fucking sad. Im umarried and military, so a well paying (yeah right) stable job and no kids means I'm one up from the majority of the people I hung out with on a daily basis! Crazy shit! Anyway, I'm drunk and about to go fuck with some old neighborhod buddies, so I'll catch you all later! Peace, and good holliday bullshit, blah blah blah! LATER!!!

well idk if keeping up with me drinking-wise will be a depends what i'm drinking
let me know when you get back though.. we can make a plan and cause a riot.