Konichiwa, Bitches!
Yup, still waiting on the word from the big man to decide my fate, the job still sucks my anus, still don't have the red rocket legal, and the cell phone is still lacking all the cool shit my first one had- although I do have an ass of new pictures! Anyway, I'll share all those later, like, when I have time to do that. Oh yeah, and I got that breserker fury from video game lameness again and chucked my laptop, so, now I gotta get that fixed too. At least it still works, I just can't plug my ac adaptor into it anymore- unlike the 2 xbox controllers I went through playing the same game almost 3 years ago. That would have been bad news. So, on that note, I'm gonna go abck and do the same thing I've been doing every night for the last 3 weeks, getting drunk off my ass. Fuck it if my Cheif is getting sick and tired of me coming in hung over, he shouldn't be trying to make our division like one of his boot camp divisions, and I wouldn't be forced to drink....so heavily....
Anyway, Mad Jack The Old Skool Pervert Pirate shall sign off in the name of booze!
Yup, still waiting on the word from the big man to decide my fate, the job still sucks my anus, still don't have the red rocket legal, and the cell phone is still lacking all the cool shit my first one had- although I do have an ass of new pictures! Anyway, I'll share all those later, like, when I have time to do that. Oh yeah, and I got that breserker fury from video game lameness again and chucked my laptop, so, now I gotta get that fixed too. At least it still works, I just can't plug my ac adaptor into it anymore- unlike the 2 xbox controllers I went through playing the same game almost 3 years ago. That would have been bad news. So, on that note, I'm gonna go abck and do the same thing I've been doing every night for the last 3 weeks, getting drunk off my ass. Fuck it if my Cheif is getting sick and tired of me coming in hung over, he shouldn't be trying to make our division like one of his boot camp divisions, and I wouldn't be forced to drink....so heavily....
Anyway, Mad Jack The Old Skool Pervert Pirate shall sign off in the name of booze!